
Mccain picked Palin because...????

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I think he picked her because her needs middle class women votes. Not because he likes her story or any of that c**p. He's like twice her age! I think she has like not much experience and hes been on Obama's tail about that like for the past century!




  1. He picked her cause the Lincoln bedroom is assured to be a rockin now!

  2. you obviously cant read

    before this pick, mccain touted a fair 62% of the women vote in the polls.

    obama was the one hurting there.

    what this strategy does for him is seal the catholic vote.

    Obama choose Biden because of the catholic vote, but has lost it now.

    mccain and palin both share the same ideas of the catholic and christain vote.

    obama can kiss that group goodbye!

    most obama bots are not smart enough to see this is a strategic move for votes ok, but not the woman vote.

    Mccain had that already

    see for yourself.

  3. To get the female vote now that Hilary is out

  4. It isn't the fist time he has picked a younger woman, if you know what I mean...

  5. I am a female and I would never say a female couldn't run the country, but I just don't think Palin has the experience to become vice president under McCain.  Not trying to change anyone elses opinion, but I'm not a fan of McCain, I'm for Obama. But I seriously think that McCain choosing Palin will bring to lose this race.  If you don't already know, now that Palin has been chosen, all of the scandals and not-so-great things that have happened in her past will come to the surface such as her cover on Vogue. I don't think most people want a beauty pageant bimbo running for VP. I would never judge anyone and I certainly am not calling her a 'bimbo' after all, who am I to judge, but I feel that most people, men and women, would not feel comfortable with someone like her ready to take over if she eventually became president!  All in all, everyone has their own opinion but I just don't feel it is proper for an inexperienced, attractive women to be chosen as a much older McCain's running mate!

  6. Or maybe because he felt that she was the best person for the job!

    I don't understand why so many liberals believe that a woman can't be the best person for a job - Palin has the experience and credentials to be very successful.

  7. He picked her because she is a strong conservative.

    McCain gets a cookie for his choice of VP.

  8. He is in favor of having someone under investigation for corruption and who has stated on TV that she has no idea what a VP does be one heartbeat away from the Oval Office.

  9. he picked her because she voted to lower tax gave oil money revenue to the people of Alaska she is pro life and has been fighting corruption with in the oil companies she also has the belief in the right to bare arms this is why he picked her she is 100% Conservative

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