
Mccain speech was boring?

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Ok I don't know what he said maybe im bering a "democrat" I don't remeber him saying how he was gonna fix our economy bring jobs back to the US. I never heard anything soooo boring! It was like listining yo a teacher lecture!




  1. Umm, maybe you were misinformed, but this was an ACCEPTANCE speach. It wasn't the time to try to prove anything. He made a speech for his supporters.  

  2. YES, McCain's speech almost bored me to sleep. Gosh, how boring was RNC this week.

  3. I have to preface my question by saying I hate answering questions which I can be pretty sure I will never get best answer.  Okay, some, no most of the speech was a bit boring; what 50 minute speech isn't "boring"?  On the other hand how could you not feel emotional when McCain talked about his time in the POW camp(Hanoi Hilton)?  Can you even imagine spending five years being tortured and completely hopeless.  As a former soldier it was hard to hold the tears in when he admitted he was broken(literally and physically).  Then what did it for me was when he said, "Nothing brings greater happiness then to serve a cause greater then yourself"!  Then when he started to say over the roar of the crowd to stand up for your country, to "Stand up!"  He said teach an illiterate adult to read, feed a hungry child, run for public office, become a teacher, defend the rights of oppressed etc.; that alluding to how that is how you bring change.  It was around that point the speech became not boring but overbearing, emotionally, for me.  I guess perhaps I am alone.  But I am glad you listen to both sides of the coin! Thanks

  4. I think her point was that it had no substance.  Great for insomnia though.

  5. Well, maybe you will get more out of his speech when he actually gives it at the Republican National Convention. LOL (I can only assume you are practicing your response early)

  6. it was pretty boring but that's mccain.  obama did outline more of the changes he was going to make in his speech.  if you weren't listening.  palin did a great job.  she may have set herself up well for 2012.

  7. Well I will give you credit for listening to it. I didn't even want to and didn't. I knew what he would be saying before the speech was written.

    And you are not alone, in saying it was boring., He's a boring man, sad to say. I agree, he's a brave man and has served his country in the Militar. His record in Congress, is a bit mixed, better than some, worse than others.

    But for President, no way. His first major choice and he picks Palin, give me a break. I'm just hoping this time, around, the country picks right, and not another mistake, like they made in 2000 and 2004.

  8. Huh, what?  (shacking away cobwebs...) Is the speech finally over? His speech was flat. Same old stuff from the past. Reagan, Papa Bush, Dole and Bush Jr said similar stuff, but with more passion. I'm disappointed.

  9. Thats the difference between McCain and Obama, liberals and conservatives.  One is about popularity and the other is about substance.  

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