
Mccain supporters what would you say to this soldier.

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This video shows a real point of view that is seldom portrayed in the media.




  1. Don't use youtube for anything other than entertainment.

  2. Just because he has an ACU boonie on does not make this guy an effing soldier, either way, why does he have it on inside?  That is just basic soldiering skills right there.  I don't believe this guy ever served.

  3. Hey man if this is the guy on the video, If you didn't want to fight why the **** did you join the ******* military. Who really gives a **** why we are still over there anymore. If it's for oil, then fine lets protect that investment. This **** is sooo ******* tiring.  

  4. He's got good points after the 4.20 mark.. Most people don't seem to understand the "contractors" role in this war.. It's a travesty..

  5. First, he is one guy and that is his opinion. Second, I have a different view and I have served in both places more than once. Third, we do not know who he is for sure or what he did in Iraq for sure, no offense but a lot of the guys who come out on these crusades in the media wind up being fakes-Massey, Beauchamp, Micha, MacBeth, etc...You have to take things like that with a grain of salt unless you know the guy personally and have a stake in it yourself, otherwise he is just like anyone else in the US, a guy with an opinion and more power to him but it is just one opinion.

  6. What makes you think he was a soldier? I think he rented a batman costume not to long ago.  

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