
Mccain to put himself in a leadership role regarding gustav? will the obama campaign respond similarly?

by Guest56557  |  earlier

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from ap the story reads that mccain has "ordered" changes made to the rnc convention. i was reading the rnc rules and procedures on their website and i have to think that there is more to making changes to the schedule then "mccain ordering changes". i'm not a lawyer and not that... familiar with all the procedures the rnc follow but seems to me he is recommending... and they are following his lead...

now, john mccain has told nbc news he may give his acceptance speech not from the convention floor but "via satellite from the gulf coast region". putting him in a leadership role and contrasting himself with the job president bush did during katrina.

i think it's smart of him to do this and arguably it is probably what he wants to do anyway; so i dont have a problem with it; i'm just wondering how much cooperation he's getting from the current administration and how much influence john mccain actually has over the schedule of events at the republican national convention?

i know it's cynical to think this political strategy and i'll say it's probably a combination of good strategy and what is expected of a leader. now does anyone think obama will step up and do something similar?




  1. Grampy decided that it wouldn't look good to eat birthday cake with his Pres during a national emergency. I'm just glad he is taking off his Republican hat and putting on his American hat. Maybe one of his many homes he doesn't know about is down there.

  2. Obama has no need to step up and do a thing.

  3. McCain is A US Senator and has no authority to do anything about Preparation or Emergency measures for a hurricane. He's grandstanding and can only be a distraction.  

  4. Mccains just jumped on the chance to go down there for press coverage .Obamas actualy coming up with ideas to help like pulling all his millions of email supporters together to help

  5. Yes. Certainly

  6. Obama is in New Orleans constantly in touch with the Lt Governor of LA

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