
Mcdonald's anyone ??

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how manyy people out there have worked for mcdonalds ??

&& how did u find it ??

--just curious && interested to know ! =]




  1. i worked there for three months... it sucks....flys are always landing on the fries and when you say something they sya don't worry about it....any spare food left over at the end of the night you are not allowed to have you have to throw it smells like fat you go home all greasy and they mopped the floor oneday and didnt tell me i fell over and hurt my back my is still stuffed to this day...and do you know what the manager said when it happened just hop up and take those fries out please....they suck

  2. lots!!!!!! i dont think that info is outthere like that. maybe call corporate?

  3. My brother worked their and they messed around with his hours so bad he just stoped coming dident even bother to say he quits. Not the smart way to do it. But over all mcdonalds food is just yuck.

  4. I've never and will never work there. But I love the food

  5. i have worked there for a bit.  it really isn't that bad.  you get to know different people, you make friends,  and depending on who runs your restaurant is what creates the atmosphere to make people wanna work there.  it may be greasy at times but that is why you go home and shower and clean up and wash your clothes.  it really isn't all that bad.  depending on who owns your restaurant(owner operator or corporate you can make some decent money).  so don't listen to everyone who is being negative you never know unless your try for yourself

  6. Its better than having stew or a home cooked meal by ya pearents but i prefer KFC

  7. It's minimum wage slave labour, greasy, fatty, don't go there!

  8. Very first job at age 16 (that was 24 years ago).  My first day on the job was making french fries.

  9. i worked there for three days and couldn't take it. they floor was always slippery with grease and the mop was worse. Bee's and soda juice everywhere!!

    hated it

    but i still love the food

  10. Yes worked there for a year came in as a shift mgr. and loved the pay but not the hrs and I was pregnant and they didn't care. Even when I was taking the classes they provide once a week b4 the actual 3 day test., that was my only day off.  I went into the hospital during hurricane Katrina, and they said I could have done my work in bed. no I would never work for inconsiderate blips again!

  11. yep....only worked there for a short while,had to leave due to health, but I couldn't eat there for a while....would never work there again.

  12. i have worked in mcdonalds phils. i find it tiring and at the same time fun. you get to know different people everyday. just make friends and have fun and enjoy the work even if it's tiring

  13. I have never worked for McDonald's but my neighbor down the street has.  She went to work there after her Husband died and she was able to earn enough money to keep living in their home.  She worked full-time in the restaurant and would be considered a "Senior" in age.

  14. Burger King alumni here

  15. My friend works there. She said it was c**p and there was oil everywhere! Ugh, yuck.

  16. i want to work there.

  17. never!

  18. not me
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