
Mcdonalds, Wendy's or Burger King?

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Of these which is the best?




  1. Wendy's

  2. i prefer burger king. :-)

  3. BK

  4. Wendy's...

  5. burger KING!!! better prices and the portions are bigger than mcdo

  6. I would prefer McDonald's.

  7. I go with Wendys, but they are all bad for the environment.

  8. Burger King Whoppers...MCdonalds fries..Wendy's Chili.....

  9. Wendy's.

  10. Best food:  Wendy's

    Best prices and locations:  Mc'D.

    And locally, the King is last.

    Ontario Canada

  11. hmmm...depends on the day i guess. i love bk's fries, and i love wendy's chicken sandwich, and i love mcd's 1/4 pounder but no pickle or like i said depends on the day. but ill take a whopper jr. any day.

  12. Burger King!=)

  13. Wendy's = Best Burgers

    Mcdaddy's = Best Fries

    Burger King= Best Breakfast and Dessert!!! ( I just had a chicken biscuit from there this morning.... highly recommend, they are sooo good!) :D

  14. I think McDonald's is the best because the service is fast, the food is hot, and the price is right.

  15. burger king

  16. Wendy's, because GIRLS RULE!!!!!

    No, really, their food is much fresher and you can't get a baked potato at the other 2 places!

  17. mmmm Wendy's.

  18. all three i like some of the stuff  from all of them

  19. WENDYS!!

  20. Greg, Wendy's doesn't use hydrogenated oils anymore.  Those oils for frying etc. are poison.  MickyD and BK can't make that same claim.  

    I'm sure you were talking about "taste", but by far Wendy's is better if for your health, if nothing else.

  21. I like all three, but I like McDonald's the most.

  22. Burger KIng,.

  23. Well I used to like Mcdonalds. But I really don't like any of the fast food joints anymore. They are so full of fat and so unhealthy. But that is just what I think. Try Subway they are alot more healthy. And have so many choices.

  24. What?! Why are you eating that fast food?!? All Wendy's, Burger King, and McDonald's is very unhealthy for you!! By the time you're 40 years of age, you'll have heart problems! Don't eat that fast food!

  25. mcdonalds i like they're 20 piece chicken mcnuggets and i love their double quarter pounder with cheese, fries & vanilla milkshake, that's what i get when i go there except the fries.

  26. wendys yummm

  27. I prefer Wendy's for fish fillet.

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