
Mcdonalds monopoly - does anyone have coventry street mayfair or liverpool st station please?

by  |  earlier

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looking for mcdonalds monopoly 2008 stickers




  1. I have mayfair!!!!! two of them! x

  2. don't think any of them have been given out yet cos i'm waiting for coventry street and mayfair

  3. these are not Monopoly properties.

  4. maybe.................

  5. They won't have printed these properties and there will be hundreds of people wanting them to win prizes and they will keep buying the greasy, scagging muck Mc Donald's call food in order to try to win these non-existant prizes.

  6. what kinda monopoly are you playing u better make sure its monopoly and not like life or something.......

  7. If you look at the game card you have been sticking your stickers on to you will see that there is only ONE top prize won by collecting Mayfair and Park Lane.  There can only be one winner.  

    Therefore it is likely that McDonald's have printed only ONE sticker for Mayfair.  

    Everyone has Park Lane already.  Imagine if ten people found Mayfair and claimed the 500k prize... McDonalds would have to give away 5 million pounds.

    Nobody is going to respond to your question offering you Mayfair.  If they do they are scamming you (now that I mention it I'm quite tempted to do that myself! LOL!).

    Good luck finding the 1 in a billion Mayfair sticker.  Given the number of food items sold at McDonald's every day and the fact that the promotion runs for a whole month I'd say the chance of finding Mayfair was even lower than 1:1,000,000,000.

  8. considering there are only one each of the huge prizes I'm guessing there is only going to be one mayfair ticket and one liv street?

  9. Whoa theyre doing Monopoly at McD's again? Coooool. That will give me an excuse to eat their food :)

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