
Mcdonalds monopoly (uk only pls)?

by  |  earlier

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does anyone know any big winners of the monopoly, I dont mean hmv money off are free mcflurry, do mcdonalds ever publish the winners or have you seen in local papers who the winners are?




  1. We only won Big Macs and porridge. They know how many winners there are going to be so for example with the big prize where there is only going to be one winner they would print one copy of a ticket for one of the squares that you need and thousands of he others on the same colour. I've never heard of anybody actually winning. Probably cos the chances of finding tht one ticket are so small.

  2. You dont hear about big winners because there are no big winners.

    The run the promotion for a while and cancel it before a big prize has been claimed.

    I too have run promotions like this but to stay legal you have to print the winning tickets and distribute them however if you track where they have been distributed to you can withdraw the promotion before the winning ticket has been found.


    If Mc Donnals head office knows the London McDonnalds has got 10000 cups in stock and they sell 1000 cups per day they can sent the winning cups to the London Mc Donnalds and know they have 10 days to close the promotion before there is any chance of a winner

  3. Good question, I only got a McFlurry :o(

  4. I won a apple pie.I think its a fix.

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