
Mcdontalds monopoly winner?

by  |  earlier

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has anyone won anything from the mcdonalds monopoly game? or know of anyone who has?




  1. What's Mcdontalds?

  2. Just free food, as usual.

  3. Not yet.  But I'm doing pretty good in the online game.  Only one more for 1500 bucks.  I hit within two spaces of it EVERY time i go around the board so it should only take a few more laps (about 10 game pieces) to hit it.  Figures it's right next to free parking though.  So that roll may never come.

  4. Good d**n ? I believe its all FaKe. I won a small fry. that was all.

  5. A couple of years ago, I matched Baltic and Mediterranean Ave to win 20 bucks...  Every year I have gotten a lot of free food pieces...  

    The best way to get a lot of pieces is by sending a bunch of self-addressed stamped envelopes through the mail!!  

    You do realize that only a couple of people will win the really big prizes, right???

  6. ♥ Dont know anyone that has won any money or good prizes... but I and a few others I know have won free meals, drinks, burgers, etc.  Good Luck!

  7. I won a $50 McDonalds Arch Card but it takes like 8-10 weeks to process and deliver :-(

  8. small fry and small coke.........that is about it.....

  9. Back when they first introduced this game in the late 90s, I used to play all the time and would actually win free french fries or small drinks fairly often (I had no car at the time and McDs was the only place within walking distance I could get lunch, so I went about 3x a week).  The largest prize I ever won was a free combo meal, and I did have one friend who won an instant cash prize, it was pretty small though, $50 I think.  I've never known anyone who actually won something by collecting the appropriate color properties, though.

  10. i never won anything more than free food...

    (this question makes me hungry...T.T)

  11. Not anything more than a free burger

  12. as far as a small fry, or a small mcflurry, that's all I've gotten

  13. nope never and never heard of an actual person that won either

  14. I won a download monopoly game lol from the online play.  And won 2 free drinks.  Nothing big.

  15. Nope, I haven't even won food yet.  I really doubt that the big prize winners are anything but actors.

    McDonald's got into trouble a number years ago when the company that ran the game for them gave the prize winning tickets to family and friends.  

    I don't think anything has changed.  About 25 years ago someone from the state where I live "won" a car from a different fast food franchise and was told that it was impossible for that to happen.  They claimed the ticket was a fraud.

    When asked they were told.  (your state) won't get any big prizes because we don't make enough money.  

    I've stopped playing way back then.

  16. Free meals I have won.  I am looking for someone with Boardwalk

  17. It is hard to win the big money.  They only print a few of the winning game pieces.  (like Boardwalk)  If some clueless person  gets the only winning piece and throws it in the trash then there is no winner.

  18. I won a free lg fries, and drink ,m and breakfast sandwhich but never won money or anything.

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