
Me, my friend, and my friends dad go onto our local golf course at night to look for golf balls.?

by  |  earlier

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We go into this drained out lake that is totally safe to go into. We get in because the people that run the golf course leave a gate open so we just go in through there. If we were ever to get caught, could we get into and trouble, or would they just tell us to go away. The reason we look for the golf balls is that we have a business where we sell used golfballs on ebay. Its a great way to make some quick cash, but I don't want to get in trouble if we get caught. Any ideas?




  1. donate 10% back to the golf course for approval rights...

  2. Many others are in the recovery business and pay the course a percentage of the balls they recover. You are stealing. If they are aware of your activity and execute a search warrant, there may be enough evidence to charge you with felony trespass. That means jail time.

  3. Ah, the American Dream taken to the next level...... Criminal Trespass.  If you are caught, make sure you dress appropriately for a mugshot....

  4. You are trespassing on private property and depending on how lenient the ownership of the property is depends on the harshness of the penalty if they wish to press charges.. In the majority of instances where outsiders come on the course to seek golf balls, they are never pursued. However, if there is a history of damage to the course and you are caught, you may be liable for the damage.

  5. So you break the law to run your business?  Wow great concept.

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