
Me, my religion, friends, & family are all harassed & mocked on a Yahoo group w/ no moderator. What can I do?

by  |  earlier

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I'm a member of a Yahoo group. A friend of mine once owned & moderated the group, but they lost their user IP so it has no moderator. Me, my religion & wife are all personally attacked, harassed. lied about, and mocked on a regular basis. They do this because, they admit that because there is no moderator, they know that we cannot ban them. They also join with multiple IDs and use vulgar insults, spam, spew their vulgar mocking hatred towards the religious beliefs of the original group members, and cannot be reasoned with in a logical or debate-oriented manner. They dig up personal information on us and mock us, our families, and our professions. I have reported them to Yahoo Abuse dozens of times and Yahoo does nothing but send us automated responses. Meanwhile, the same people continue to attack and mock. I am enraged at not only the attackers, but also Yahoo because we are being verbally abused, mocked, threatened, and harassed and Yahoo will not stop them. What can I do???




  1. Stop whining, get a new group and don't put your personal information on it where people can identify you.   I can't stand it when people cry about their relegion being 'attacked'  and being mocked on the internet. If you dont' want something to be publicly mocked, don't put it in public and get off the internet with it 'and' make sure your personal information is secure.  In the last 16 years of the net, I still don't understand how people don't get it.  There is no way they can 'dig up' information without having been told private information somewhere along the way, that would be I am sure your fault at some point, from there on, it would invovle a response to them and for you to actually read what another person says in order to make it an issue.  Ignore them and they will go away as it seems that all you are trying to do is be "logical and debatable"....wrong.  Should have ignored them from the begginning, just a few net tips for you.

    Good luck with that...

  2. You report them

  3. Check below for terms of service If they are in violation you can report them.    Believe me you aren't the first to go through that type of thing, I've gone through it also.  Good luck.

  4. Give me the URL of the group!

    That's very rude of them!

    Then unjoin it then!

  5. If you have not had any help from Yahoo about this abuse, you could start your own group and invite the "good" members to join it.  Then leave the bad group.  On your new group, make all new members moderated so you can reject any messages that are not appropriate before they are posted to the group site.  

    I'm sorry there are hecklers in that group and understand it's difficult to see where your integrity is being bashed. There always has been and always will be spiteful people in the world. When you leave that group, they will start in on somebody else and forget you but you won't have to deal with it anymore.  ;)

  6. leave that group and join another. there has to be real TOS voilation before Yahoo will do anything. if the threats are real, call the police. almost in any group by any provider, this happens. the friend who lost the IP should of had a back up moderator.

  7. stop using the group why would you want to keep going there if youre always abused? what kind of yahoo group is this? cant you just join another one, one where there is a moderator?

    do you know how many users are on yahoo? plus its not a service that you pay for, theyre not dying to make their customers happy. alot of people get abused on here, surf at your own risk like the rest of us do buddy

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