
Me And My Husband Are In Two Different Worlds?

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Well to Start off me and my husband are 15 years apart he is a tauras and i am a aries And it seems like we always argue about little things Like taking out the trash now dont get me wrong he works but i always thought that was a male thing(thats the way i was raised but my question is what can i do to make this thing work because he is getting on my nerves and it bothers me (also our marriage has been off and on for alot and when i say alot i mean alot of reasons




  1. Instead of butting heads, you 2 need to learn how to compromise.  

  2. I'm sure there are more things than just the garbage that are getting on your nerves with him.  Taurus tends like to like things done a certain way, so when you guys argue about things, keep in mind that he might be thinking that you're doing it wrong because you're not doing it his way.  I'm not saying this is the just might be what he's thinking.  

    I don't think the 15 years difference makes much of a difference.  Couples are always going to argue over things.  I don't know what your distrubution of household chores is like, but any man is never going to do more than he's expected to.  He might just hate to take it out, or he could be like my husband and pretend to forget the night the trash goes out. *LOL*  Sometimes it's easier to just do it myself because I get so frustrated with waiting for him to do it.  In order to save our marriage, it's easier for me to pick up the slack myself on certain things.  What you have to do is weigh your options.  What could you do that won't make you just want to murder someone?  If I had to do all my husband's jobs and my own, I would go nuts.  But now and again I don't mind doing a few things.  You just have to figure out your own limits.  I know it's rough--believe me!!!

  3. You're married, you need to learn to compromise.  You scratch my back, I scratch yours.  Instead of getting angry or irritated, why don't you suggest something like if he takes out the garbage, then you'll do another chore?

  4. Ug, I hate strict gender roles.  Why not do what works for you as a couple rather than doing "male things" and "female things."

  5. Aries, you want the fairy tale love "Prince Charming" husband.... and want ii all RIGHT NOW. He is stubborn and you feel like he can give you what you need but just being stubborn and making you suffer.

  6. how about a chore list.  you sound so young.  you will fight more if you guys do not talk about it.  talk and listen.  why get mad over silly things?

  7. Well, I for one wouldn't ask or have my wife take the trash out. But it wouldn't bother me if she did nor is it something she "demanded" I do because I was the man. Just like it would be caveman like for me to think her place is in the kitchen. Gender roles in relationships are very suffocating and don't always work. I think maturity plays a role here. Counseling and communication may help resolve a lot of these issues.

  8. Since you are younger I think you should just take out the trash.  

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