mmy family is in a waar/ my omm keeps waanting tobe a huuge part of my life but thhe more she tries thhe more annying she gets. once i get home shes asks a million questions annd i always seem to doo or say sumpthing wrong shes been waay to overprotective and my friends have notcied it , too. she's starting to mebrass me. my dadd is not beeing anoying he's helping meh, buut idk whaat to do. ive thoguht of runnign away caause i haave school DRAMAA to throw on top of it. but i need heelp :/ buut i caant ruun awaaay, its too haard. somethings stopping me. buut im reaally maad. :/ i amm definaatley noot running away;] buut caan yoou heelp me ? ...tried taalkinng to heer, got maad aat me, saaid its my faault [?] thaanks. ;]