
Me again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

by  |  earlier

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so i posted a topic here the other day, but im back!! been ttc for 4 months cycle is usually 27-31 days last period was 28thjune. but this past week ive been geting dizzy spells, almost fainting, even when ive been sitting down i still get light headed, it comes and goes. took 5 tests all negative, but not sure exactly when period is due, it could be in the next 2-5 days. so went to docs today she checked my eyes and ears(coz it could be an ear problem) didnt find much wrong, but wont give me tablets incase im pregnant, im now geting period like feelings, and do believe i have that horrible taste in my mouth, its like ive had a coin in my mouth, thats the best i can describe it, really dont no what to do now, do i wait for my period to arrive?which i really hope it doesnt, anyone else felt this way and been pregnant?? or had negative tests when they were in fact pregnant?? im dying to know if i am, sorry for going on and on




  1. The best thing to to is to relax and calm down right now. Your symptoms can be many things, could be that you are pregnant and it could be that you are stress being anxious, sometimes ones period come with pregnancy like symptoms. So at this point you have to relax and wait to your due date and take a pregnancy test. I hope is positive. Good luck!

  2. Hi Karen,

    From my own experience (I'm a mum to 4)

    My very first symptoms on all four of my children was the strange metallic taste in my mouth. This would of been before I even missed my period!!!! only times it has ever happened to me is when I am pregnant.  

    As for the negative test could be your testing too early this happened to me on my third  pregnancy and when I tested on the second day of my missed period it was positive so that would be completely normal to happen at this stage.   Also on the pre-menstrual symptoms yes you will have them on a pregnancy sometimes they will be more heightened in early pregnancy this also has been the case for me in the past !! but it will pass I promise  Look just try and take it easy (I know easier said than done) all will be revealed very soon fingers crossed for you good luck.

  3. Hi, well when i was pregnant with my son who is a year old now i didn't have any symptoms what-so-ever apart from the missed periods but i just put that down to irregular periods as i was only 17 and they had never been regular. But over the 4 months of missing my periods i must have spent about £100 on HPT and they all came back negative also the doctors urine test came back negative, so they sent me for a ultrasound as they didn't think i was pregnant because it should have shown by 4 months and it actually came back that i was 4 months pregnant!! So don't give up hope, you never know you might be like me and not show up on pregnancy tests, give it 7 days and test again if your period doesn't turn up if that comes back negative then go to the doctors and demand a blood test!! GOOD LUCK x

  4. You could take an at-home test (first urine of the day is strongest); if you are pregnant, it might show positive at this point. Not sure if you are in the U.S., but if so, a clinic would probably run a blood test for you. Good luck! I know how hard it is to wait.

  5. I hope you are pregnant.  Why aren't they doing a blood test?

  6. just wait and pray. If you are not pregnant then do not lose hope, go to your doctors!

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