
Me and a guy best friend..?

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i have this guy friend i met him at school this year in February and ever since the first time we talked we talk almost EVERY day on the phone but the longest we haven't was like 3days almost every month..(i can tell him everything and be myself around him but i dont have feeling for him like bf/gf thing but) it weird?




  1. I don't think its weird at all, I have a best guy friend and I can be normal around him without liking him... We talk on the phone and hang out like almost all the time. If other people think its weird or anything just ignore them.

  2. Why would it be weird?  A lot of women, myself included, have male best friends.  That idea comes from hearing that men and women can't just be friends.  As women, we hear that a guy only wants to be "friends" with us hoping he will get something from us.  That's not always the case.  

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