
Me and a guy that's 20 years older than me workin in a ware house...He's really arrogant!!!?

by Guest59882  |  earlier

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I'm 19 and i'm in college. I'm workin in a warehouse where my partner is 20 years older than me. he always say that it's a blessing to live 41 years. He try to make me beleive that the fact that he's older than me, i have to agree with everything he says. sometimes he doesn't make no sense @ all but he always try to make it look like he's right!!! He's really negative. He tells me sometimes that not everybody who goes to college get a job. ( maybe he wants me to leave college and be like him) his daugter is 19 and she just got pregnant. Some times i think why would this guy tell me all those nonsense stuff while her daugther is having s*x while he's @ work. I always tell hime that the fact that i'm 19 dosen't mean that i'll let him brainwash me!!! He's the kind of gguy who listens to what ever someone says and try to make it look like he's teaching me something. sometimes, i tell him not everybody know what they R talkin about. Please help me!! how can i make this guy happy?




  1. Make him happy?

    Why don't you learn spelling and grammar.  It would make me happy.

  2. why would you want to make a guy like that happy .

    tell him that soon he will be over the hill .

    and he will be pushing daisies when you are blooming.

    Call him grandad ,tell him that senility came early for him

    make him feel inadecuate ,ask him if he can still get it up or is his impotency making him so arrogant

    tell him some people work hard at being stupid ,but that he is a Natural


    get the picture

    people that want to make other people small

    do so because they are small themselves ,so they want other people to come down to their level

    tell him that

    Dont try to make him happy make him suffer


    In the office/work place what he is doing is called harrassment.

    When I was your age my response to things like that was "I'm not sleeping with you, I'm not married to you I only work with you and HAVE MY OWN LIFE"

    Arrogance does NOT have to be tolerated no matter the age.

  4. You might be one of the people who go to college and don't get a job.  Do us all a favor and actually listen to what others have to say before you rant on-line.

  5. And this is in the environment section because......

  6. You can't make him happy.  He probably likes to complain and hear himself talk.  Just ignore him.  You don't need to be his best friend or even a friend, he is a co-worker.  

    Just think he is 41 and doing the same job as a 19yr old.  Get on with your own life, finish school and get a job not as a warehouse worker.

  7. your'e going to college and can't write any better than that?  keep the job at the warehouse.

  8. introduce him to Jesus. If that isn't a help in is disposition nothing will.

  9. tell him to be less arrogant

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