
Me and best friend never argue?

by  |  earlier

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Is that a good or bad thing?

We've been best friends for about 11 years now and never argue over anything...maybe once or twice when we were kids but that's it :\




  1. wow thats pretty cool.  no there isnt anything wrong with that.  but ive never had something like that.

  2. That's actually a really good thing. Because if you don't argue then your friendship will last a VERY long time :)

  3. well it all depends on how both of u handle the things.......

    there r two sides of the coin

    one  (hopefully this should not b the one in ur case) one of u is agreeing with the other just to continue the relationship

    or there is a good understanding between both of u

    and u need not essentially argue

    as the things can be sorted out by discussions

    quite peacefully.....

    well  u r a better judge ........

    my suggetion is to b optimistic.......

    keep smiling..........

    friendship is a pure bliss

    god's gift ..

    so if u have a true friend

    u r truly lucky........

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