
Me and few other of my friends get jealous when our bfs talk to other girls?

by  |  earlier

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me and like 5 of my other friends were talking about this the other day and we all agreed that we get like jealous or mad whenever our boyfriends talk to "certain girls"

i hate it when my bf talks to some of the s***s, [they talk to him first] and a few other girls and my friends are the same way. its not that we don't trust them, its the other person. how can we stop from this happening? everytime i see my bf talking to one of them i just wanna run over and talk to him so he cant talk to her, what can we do?




  1. have a 3 way

  2. dude i know exactly how you feel i hate when my boyfriend talks to this one girl he tells me i cant hug or talk to "certian" guys but even today he went up to this one girl who likes him and she freakin hugs the **** out of him and i was just staning there  like um okay whatever. all you can do is trust themtho and jelousy is not a good base for a relationship but i toally feel you and know how you feel

  3. chill out hes just talking hes allowed to do that.. thats what mouths are for.. i dont get jealous when my boyfriend talks to a girl.. i know he loves me so i trust him if you and your friends love your boyfriends youd trust them

  4. If your man is really trustworthy, then it wont matter what move these "other girls" have got. He'll shoot them down. Stop worrying.

    And look at it this way: you can never MAKE a man stay. He stays with you because he wants to, because in his eyes, you're better than anyone else. If he no longer wants to, don't try too hard to keep him. It'll only make the heartbreak that much worse.

  5. it is only a famale reaction but sometime guys get it to. you just have to ignor it ur boyfriend is onlt talking not cheating

  6. i hate the word s**t i really do. do people who use it actually know what it means?

    any way, reverse the situation, do you talk to other boys? he may feel the same.

    just ask him not to talk to them, and think about what you are doing as well. you may be doing the same thing but not know it.

  7. Just tell them how you feel about when he talks to them.  Answer mine?;...

  8. If you trust your bf dont worry about it

    but if you see them starting to get closer

    maybe con front him about it

  9. that's quite normal but all you can do about it is learn to handle it, it's when jealousy gets out of hand you have a problem.  The whole idea of relationships are based on trust, if you can't trust him, then get rid of him, so if it can't be worked out then your not right for each other.

       Just because you love someone, does not make them good for you. In other words, love should bring out the best in you, you and he should "compliment" each others presence. Bring smiles and warmth...not tears and drama.

         And it all starts with being able to trust,

  10. When a person talks to your bf first, regardless of who they are, it's only polite for your bf to respond.  It's great that you trust your bf, and it's understandable that you'd be concerned when he's talking to a person with questionable motives.

    So what can you do?  Well, I would think that going over (don't run, just walk over) and joining in/talking to him is fine.  You're his girlfriend.  You have every right to go over and say hi when you see him.  Isn't it natural to go say hi to a friend or boyfriend when you see them?

    Act cordial to "those girls" however so you don't seem like a jerk to your bf.  And if it bothers you a lot, be sure to talk to your bf about it.  If he's truly a good bf, he'll listen and understand your concerns.  He may even be flattered that you're even a little jealous.  The only thing that I would personally watch out for (now this may just be me) is if he gets super defensive or angry if you bring it up.

    Anyway, I hope this helps.  Good luck!

  11. Kill them with kindness.  This sounds stupid, but if I saw my boyfriend...well, husband now....talking to a girl I thought was a s**t.  I would probably walk over without urgency and start talking to the girl, not the b/f.  "Oh hey, I see you know my b/f.  How are you doing?  What class do you have next? Those are some sweet shoes, where'd you get them?"  As if you are excited that you now get to know this s**t because she is talking to your man.  That usually throws them off without your b/f thinking you're a psycho.

  12. Well there is nothing you can do really. They talk to them first so its not your b/f's fault. I guess the only thing would be when you see them talking next time just go over there and hug him and give him a kiss and say i'll talk to you later. then walk off. The girls will get the hint. And if not then tell your b/f about it and say that it bothers you and he should take care of it. goodluck

  13. Well, I know that's hard. And plain annoying.

    But if it's not him, and you know that for sure, as long as he isn't flirting or doing anything to lead her, "the s**t" on to thinking he wants her, then nothing bad should happen. If you trust him and you know he's a good guy, he'll know when she's crossed the line with her flirting and hopefully back out.

    That's what an honest, trustworthy boyfriend would do.  

  14. fight tha other girls let em know u dont play when it comes to tha hubby

  15. err i kno i hate that. practically all my bf's friends are girls and he hangs out with them alot.

    that doesnt bother me as much as his ex does tho, she broke up with him after 4 days of going out with him, but she would constantly flirt and try to steal him away.

    i would either try and steal him back from the girls like when hes talking to them be like come on baby lets go, or tell the other girls to leave yur bf alone and get their own.  

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