
Me and my best friend like the same guy..?

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my best friend and i both like the same guy, and she recently found out he likes me too and she got mad at me. but last night he asked me out and i said yes. but i don't know how to tell her or if i even should.

what do i do




  1. omg that like totally happened 2 1 of mi friends lyk yesterday! if u lyk em' and u think dat u wil stay 2gether den c**p ur bff bt if hes just guna b a fling then dnt lyk go out wit da dude  

  2. yeah, i went through this with my friend in middle school.

    basically, we both were stupid back then...and i chose to just

    leave the guy alone. a friend meant more to me then a relationship at that time. However, if you're old enough and if you guys are like, TRUE best friends then there is no reason for her to be upset at you. She's probably just embarrassed or something because he chose you over her. that's a self esteem issue, but just let time pass. If she doesn't get over it then...deep conersation time.

  3. A friendship based on emotions is a shallow one indeed.  He wants to be with you, if she doesn't like it, tell her that if she were such a great friend, she would understand!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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