
Me and my best friend or ex-best friend???

by  |  earlier

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me and my friend use to be really close lately she isn't here self but if i say something about it she will overreact but i cant drop her shes like my only friend what do i do?????

she even moved me to second as her friend on myspace :(




  1. just wait for her to tell you whats going on dont try and pull it out of her...she will tell you when she is ready

  2. Do not  let her see your mad. but let her see you are wondering why she moved you!!! If she starts acting different make new friends. It sucks but she may have moved into a friendship with trouble and you do not need that!!!! It will hurt and be akward for awhile!!

  3. You should ask her what's up.  Something could be bothering her, maybe something that she hasn't told you.  If you are afraid to say something like that, reword things.  Instead of saying stuff about her changing, ask her if there's something going on that she needs to talk about.  Sometimes people change to protect themselves, maybe she doesn't even realize she has changed.  There's really nothing more than you can do to just ask.  I thought one of my friends was going to be mad when I had to tell him how I feel, but he didn't.

  4. try to find out what's on her mind - maybe it's something u'r doing, or maybe it is something totally unrelated. nevertheless, i think it would be best to conront her (gently and nicely) about it and let her know that u care about ur friendship and do not want to see it end.

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