
Me and my bf had s*x and the condom ripped but we didnt realize it till after we had finished...?

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it was 3 days after my period, what are the chances that i am pregnant




  1. right now there is really no way to know what your actual chances are because it depends on when you ovulate. So people do not ovulate til about 12-16 days into their cycle, but sperm can live for up too 5 days so right now you will just have to wait and see what happens. If this does happen to you every again you should defiently go to the pharamcy and get a Plan B... you do not need a prescription and will aviod pregnancy if taken within 24 hours.

  2. Well if the condom ripped and he cummed then the chances are pretty good. It only takes one sperm to get a girl pregeant and in his ejacualation there were millions. I would take a pregeancy test to find out for sure though. You could of got lucky!

  3. If this has happened in the last day or two, GET THE MORNING AFTER PILL, as soon as possible!

    Some variations of the pill can cancel a forming pregnancy within the first day or two after s*x, however some can't.

    Get to a local pharmacy as soon as you read this (If in fact the s*x was within the last 48 hours or so)

    If you're lucky, you may find some morning after pills that are effective even 72 hours after.

    If not, wait until your next period is due, by then you'll at least have some idea on whether you're pregnant or not.

  4. wait and find out

    there is a chance you could be

    but then again there is a chance

    that your not.

  5. It's very possible. You are sometimes more fertile after your period. You should have gotten the morning after pill, but I guess you won't know until it's time for your next period. If you aren't on birth control you should be kind of worried, but if you feel symptoms, realize it's all in your mind because it's waay to early to feel symptoms. If you are on birth control then you are absolutely fine.

  6. chances are 50/ a couple of weeks, take a pregnancy test & see...good luck!!!

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