
Me and my bf had s*x in the shower standing up...he pulled out in time...but how big of a chance is there .

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I really dont want to be happened really fast. We wernt thinking.




  1. you could get pregnant cuz of precum so....i don't know how big the chance is but there is a chance...

  2. and btw, if u have s*x in the shower, it dosnt change anything! dont teenagers know anything?!?!?

  3. If you had s*x without a condom theres a good chance you could be pregnant, the "pull out method" doesnt work most of the time, the best thing you can do is go to your local pharmacy and get the morning after pill, the quicker you get it the better the chance that it will work

  4. You should be a scared chick!

    Get it? haha

  5. if u had s*x then it is possible ur pregnant u need to take a test and try not to stress so much if u are really pregnant then stressing makes things worse so try to calm down good luck

  6. There is a big chance, because, the initial has as much sperm as the rest of it. If you didn't want to get pregnant, you shouldn't have done it. Just wait and see, is all I can offer you, but if you find that you are, take care of it.

    Good Luck

  7. the size of the chance doesn't matter.

    you need to take a pregnancy test.

  8. well, honey, i hate to break it to you

    but you could be.

    every time you have s*x without protection, could cause you to get pregnant. Although with precum it still is a lesser chance, but the possibility is still there.

    Now, I probably shouldn't be sharing this, but -

    i have s*x unprotected, [BUT i understand and accept the consequences] out of all the times we have done it without protection, i haven't gotten pregnant, but i understand the chance is still there.

    and there have been about 2 big scares.

    But a HPT cleared that right up.

    in a week or so, or after your missed period, take one to see.

    and if its negative, the stress may be getting to you.


    good luck.

    and remember, don't be silly wrap your willy.

  9. Well, if you have s*x you run a great chance of getting pregnant, and the withdrawal method  isn't safe. get you some protection.

  10. it doesnt matter if he pulled out... you still could be pregnant take a test if you aren't sure

  11. anytime you have s*x there's a chance so if you don't want to be pregnant quit having s*x.

  12. Just so you know, your body doesn't care about the method of intercourse.  You could have had s*x in a hot-air balloon upsidedown.  Your chances are still the same.  

    To determine your odds, timing is more important than an other factor (except protection method)

    This a link to help you know your chances.  Scroll down and you will fin a graph to help.  Good Luck!

  13. The chance you are pregnant is the same as it would be if he didn't pull out.  

  14. if u had s*x you could be pregnant

  15. there is a 100% chance you could get pregnant.

    pre-*** ..

  16. If he pulled out before he ejaculated, then there is only a small chance that you could be pregnant. Contrary to popular belief, there is not actually sperm in precum. However, if he did not pee (as pee is sterile and would kill sperm) after the last time he ejaculated, there could have been lingering sperm around the glands that produce precum and the sperm and precum would have mixed. If you are concerned, wait the appropriate amount of time and take a pregnancy test.

    Edit: Since people apparently do not believe my information, I've provided sources. Also, according to the FDA, using the pull out method effectively has a 96% efficiency rate, which is only 1% lower than using a condom. Not to say that the pull out method is the way to go though, as many times ejaculation can occur unexpectedly or the guy may not be paying enough attention.

  17. People who rely on the "pull out" method of birth control are called  PARENTS.

    One day you will learn. Let's hope it is not the hard way.

  18. well the pull out method really doesnt work so seeing as you had unprotected s*x there sure is a chance you can get pregnant the is sprem in pre ejaculate so that to can get you pregnant and im sure he didnt pull out for that cause you dont know when that will happen

  19. there is always a chance that you could be. take a couple home tests and then if your still concerned go to the doctor

  20. there is a pretty good chance. my boyfriend used a condom and i got pregnant twice and once when i was on birth control, so any time you have s*x you could get pregnant. wait a couple weeks and take a test!

  21. Look, everything the people said above is true, but let me tell you what to do.

    First check when your last period was. for example: 3-4 days ago

    Then make an estimate on how long your usual cycle lasts. the normal cycle is 28 days, but since your a teenager im assuming, you might have an irregular cycle that could be more or less than 28 days.

    So for a normal cycle which is about 28 days, ovulation ( which means the releasing of the egg ) happens about day 13-15 and stays there for about 24-48 hours, then it begins to disintegrate.

    So this happens assuming that you have a 28 day cycle, so if yours is more or less, just divide by 2 and you'll have an estimate on your ovulation day.

    Now let me explain the risk. Sperm can survive up to 5 days in your body, so even if you had s*x before your ovulation day, sperm could still wait inside your body and fertilize the egg.

    What am i saying? Well if you have a regular 28 day cycle!, avoid having s*x between days 9 through 17. No excuses, condoms or no condoms, if you really don't want to have a baby, AVOID DOING IT ON THAT TIME.

    Now im not saying having s*x after those days is good either, but its alot less riskier, just use condoms and make sure he pulls out even if hes using a condom. Do all this and you should be fine. Just don't test mother nature

  22. even if he didnt j*****f in u sperm still went in your body!!

  23. There is always a change. Pulling out is NOT an effective form of birth control.

    I suggest you take a home pregnancy test, and maybe talk to a doctor about a "morning after" pill.  

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