
Me and my bloke cant decide between these names?

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For a boy:

Louis Choo

Argos Treva

Swayzie Luke

For a girl:

Titania Precious

Saag Paneer

addeedas Lola





  1. i think itz gd 2 be different but not 2 much so i mean some of the names are verry nice and itz gd to be different!

  2. You must be a long lost member of the Slappy tribe! Welcome back, hon!

  3. I really hope you're joking.

    Besides Louis, they're all rediculous names.

    The names sound like plants, not humans.

    I feel sorry for the child already.

    For a girl, go with Emma Rose. Boy, Conner Ray

  4. No offense but... I hope you're kidding

  5. Saag Paneer definately!!! For a guy Argos Treva in nice!!!

  6. Your kidding right???!

  7. Louis Choo for a boy and Titania Precious for a girl.

    Please don't call your boy Argos - it is a shop in the UK!

  8. Where are you from ? Another planet?

  9. Are  you kidding me pick names that they wont be embarrassed to say out loud. How about

    Avery James for a boy

    Amber Rose fose for girl

  10. I hope your kidding.

    Although my son's name is Louis.

  11. well wait til the bays born then choose! personally i dont like any of them sorry! apart from louis!

  12. Seriously, i know it common nowadays to pick weird names

    but not flippin ARGOS or ADDEEDAS

    why dont you just call ur baby Trainer or Catalogue?

    Pick Some Better Ones

  13. Sorry but the ones you have picked are Chav Names,

  14. those names are a little too wild for my taste maybe you should look for more classic names

  15. Sound like chav names.

    But titania precious is nice. Dont like any of the boys names!

  16. I like Swayzie Luke for the boys!


    I like Titania Precious for a girl!

  17. I guess this is a joke, but I do like Argus, which is similar to Argos.

  18. If I was your child I would hate you forever if you gave me one of those dumbass names.

  19. Not sure about any of the girls names. But i dont like Louis for a boy.

    How about Nikita for a girl?

  20. i like:


    Louis Choo



    Titania Precious

  21. Just be aware - Argos is the name of a down-market catalogue store. If you are following the example of the Beckhams (Brooklyn) or Paris Hilton's parents and naming your child after the place in which they were conceived then OUCH that is nasty.

    If you want a daughter to be called Lola, then you can always name her Dolores on the birth certificate and call her Lola - it is just a diminutive such as Dave for David or Mike for Michael (why Mary becomes Polly or Margaret becomes Peggy is complicated).

    I have a cousin called Noleen rather than the more usual Noelene and she claims she has spent far too much of her life spelling her name to people over the telephone.

    As long as you love and care for the child it doesn't much matter.

    All the best.

  22. I suggest saag paneer with another middle name tikka

  23. Saag Paneer ? Argos ?

    your joking, I think.

  24. Seriously? Whatever floats your boat. Do remember that children are mean and don't need extra ammunition.

  25. Why not go for something a little different, like Rebooka for the girl and Iananan for the boy, lol, xx

  26. Get lost. Chav names? I would rather have chav names than let my child be a FREAK

  27. How about

    Jimmy Choo?

    John Travolta?

    Shwayze J-Z?

    Precious Pearl?

    Saggy Pioneer?

    Love Adidas?

    Sounds good enough for a child right???

    I mean they'll love it!

    Won't they?


    P.S. I hope you're not serious. If you are, you might want to see a doctor. See if you're head is still attached sweetie...

  28. I'm not gonna be rude, becuase its makes me so upset when people are rude on yahoo answers. maybe its the pregnancy hormones. haha, i dont know. but:

    Louis is cute. I dont like Choo as a middle name. How about Louis Ezra

    I dont like Argos. Treva is a girl's name. How about Athens James?

    I dont like Swayzie. How about Luke Samuel?

    Tatiana is cute. I dont like Precious as a middle name. Houw bout Tatiana Marie?

    Saag is interesting. I'm not sure if i like it, but i know i dont dislike it. I think its weird, but then i think its unique. Its iffy. So, how about Serafina Cate? And Pareena is very weird as well.

    Addedas is weird. I dont like it. but Lola cute. How about Lola Claire?

    I hope i helped. Good luck and best wishes.

  29. The only names I like here are: Louis, Luke, Trevor? (didn't know Treva was a name) for the boys and Titania and Lola for the girls.

  30. THEIR ALL HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!! i like Louis.. OMG poor child!

  31. I, personally, would not choose these names.  How about:

    Elliott Louis

    James Schwartz

    Cole Matthew

    Malia Kathleen

    Bernadette Rose

    Faustina Maleen

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