
Me and my boyfriend always talk about getting married but were only 14.Do you think it will ever happen ?

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Me and my boyfriend always talk about getting married but were only 14.Do you think it will ever happen ?




  1. it happened for us--it ain't easy but we were made for each other. goin on 11 years and three kids. so yes, it absolutely can happen.

  2. umm....of course not, you cant even drive, imgaine this; mom!! ive gatta go to my wedding now!!! okay okay, get in the back!...

  3. It guy and I started out at 14 and 15 years old. We are in college planning our wedding!

    Don't hear out the negative ppl. lol. Everyone told us we'd never make it past high school.

  4. It could happen but really I don't think it will.


  5. Think about how many people you are going to meet as you get older...and besides who would sign a permission slip for you to get married anyway... im sure your parents dont want that....

      Goood Luckk!!

  6. It's fun to think about at that age, but probably not very realistic.  You will probably outgrow each other or discover other people at some point. Sorry, probably not what you were hoping to hear.

  7. The Desire to be Loved

    At your age, you still have a lot of Growing & Changing to do.  A person can change a LOT  through the teen years.  So, what you like about each other right now, might not be what you both want in a partner years down the road  People often change quite a bit during that time.  

    Why True Love Is Hard to Find Love

    Commitments are best left until ones are already both capable of following through on them: emotionally, agewise, finance-wise, & education-wise... There's an old song that says: "All You Need is Love", but that is Far from the Truth!  Now is the best time in each of your lives to concentrate on preparing yourself for your future --but-- undistracted by the opposite s*x.  

    How You Can Find True Love

    If you're going to try to stay together, I suggest working together on a meaningful project, during school breaks, like what is described in the article:

    How Can I Help Those in Need?

    The earlier couples form, the higher the likelyhood of a breakup/divorce in their futures.  All things considered realistically, you just aren't yet capable of making wise decisions, unbiased by your strong feelings.  Did you realize that the brain isn't fully developed until the age of 30?  Don't rush things! (;  I recommend reading the articles I'e posted links for, & considering them thoroughly.

  8. You have plenty of time as your still so young and it a little too early to tell  Because all sorts  things could happen between now and then Although you have right to dream about your future.Just enjoy spending  time together. Getting married  is pretty serious stuff something that  should be left to discuss when you are really ready for it. Good luck.

  9. it could possibly happen. a lot of people are high school/intermediate sweet hearts.

    good luck. (:  

  10. I am seventeen and plan the same thing with my girlfriend i will say it will work but you MUST be sure that this is what you want you only should if you want to be with this person for                              THE REST OF YOUR LIFE other than that i wish you the best of luck and congratulations if you do

  11. It could.  My parents started dating when my Mom was fourteen.  She was 21 when they married, and they've been married for 40 years.

    Don't worry too much about it right now.  You'll stay together as long as you're happy together.  If you don't wind up marrying him, I'm sure you'll marry someone else, and you'll be every bit as crazy about the man you marry as you feel like you are for your boyfriend right now.  (Probably even *more*.)

    Just enjoy each other's company right now, and don't try to rush things.  Rushing things is the kiss of death for most relationships.  You have lots of time.

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