
Me and my boyfriend are fighting.?10 points!?

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its always over something stupid.

he thinks i don't trust him but i really do, he sometimes gets me to thinking whenever he sees one of his exs around because he will look at them numourous times and noone else, not even me! I feel like im not good enough for him-because he does this ALOT!he says he dont care about them or anything but girls do you feel me?

i guess i could say ima little jealous but not a whole lot because yes his ex's are pretty but it just makes me feel bad after i kind of tell him what hes doing and he denies it all. I follow his eyes and hes deff. looking at them. ANYWAYS, so it all started this morning something stupid as over his friends-mkay me and him barly get to see eachother now other than in the morning when we have like 20 minutes to talk so we sit down and like 5 minutes later about 9 of his friends come and sit down with us- i dont sit with none of my friends because i want to be with him but as soon as his friends come over its always video game talk every single morning and he just kinda sits there and doesn't say that much to me so then today i told him im tired of not sittin with my friends and the only reason i dont sit with them is because i want to spend time with him but he just aknowledges his friends more than me. He says he doesnt get to see them but he has classes with every single one of them the classes are 50 minutes on a reg day and on wens-thursday the classes are 90 minutes long.

I dont get to see him alot especially on weekends because my family doesn't have the gas to be driving me every where and ect. I come home every single day and i get yelled at for whatever reason even if its something my sister did. IM depressed about 6 days out of the week and yet im only 14. Me and my bf have been dating a year and a week. anyways, my boyfriend doesn't understand i have noone in my family to talk to or anything hes my everything. i cant talk to a friend because i have no real close ones my cloest friend started doing pot so i dont hang out with her anymore-- my mom is always on my case my sisters hate me and put me down all the time my dad lives in NC and my steodad is never home. i tried explaining it to him but he doesnt grasp it- i want to save us but we both think were moving awy and we prolly wont last and GOD I NEED HIM! i want to last with him. he doesnt get it- he wants to start a band with his friends and wants to use the days i can possibly spenmd the whole day with him [weekends] for his band time that cuts into our time because i cant spend any time with him on school days and i dont want him drifting away from me and leaving me behind.

i can see where he thinks i dont trust him but he needs to look at it from my view to,

i want to change but all this bad at home life has really changedme and its made ma stronger and weaker person because i get cussed at alot and get put down way to much.

I need to know what i can do to make US happy and back to a regular relationship but not as much fighting.

what should i do. dont say cahnge or w.e i have set that as one of my goals but i can't ever each it because its really hard when you still hav the same family problems going on that interfere with the relationship between me n my bf.

i write him sweet notes and i suprise him with stuff he likes and i try my best to be nice

but im not perfect so you know,

ill admit idk what it is but i think i get him to the point where i get him wanting to say its over but i dont want that but its an addiction i keep makeing him get madder and madder.


please :(




  1. I think there are two main problems here - your problem with you, and your problems with him.

    If you don't solve your problems with yourself, you can't solve your problems with him. You need to discover what makes you happy, alone, without him, without your family, not blaming anyone for your sadness except yourself. I know it's hard, but you probably need the distance from him to discover what about you is great enough for him to need it as much as you feel you need him.

  2. Okay listen hunny. I'mn assuming that he is older then you but i might be wrong. anyways i can see from how you explained you feel like you are losing him. Here's what i would do if i was in your situation, there's two ways to handle it. you can do it face to face or on the phone. You have to tell him how u feel about him and how u feel like whats going on is hurting not only you but the relationship you two share. you don't have to change because if he loved you he wouldn't ask you too. Unless its something that was harmful to you or other people. in relationships communication and trust is the guys need to build both of these in yours. if you tell him how whats going on is hurting you and he doesn't fix it, then he doesn't care and you need to move on.  I understand you really like him but to me it doesn't sound like you're getting the same back and you're too young to be in an unhealthy relationship. I've been there and it's not great. Also you can't depend on him to make you happy find things to do yourself that make you happy. If you're happy things will come along easier. If you already have problems with your family he should be your safehouse not another're young there will be many more just be yourself and never settle for less than you deserve! hope everything goes well!!!

  3. calm down!!! Wow your life sounds terrible!! what you need to do is sit down and talk to first your mom and step dad...really talk to them and MAKE them understand how depressed you feel. If they don't listen then have them read this, just by reading this i can feel how sad you must be and i am so sorry for you. next talk to your boyfriend. explain to him that you miss him and you don't get to see him alot. tell him how bad you feel and how he is contributing to it by neglecting you. If all in all that fails, then get him to read this. and then he will surely now how much you need him and care for him!

  4. What is his e-mail address and name? I want to send exactly what you said here to him. If he doesn't acknowledge you still, then you can find better.

  5. heyy you,

    its hard getting back what you have already lost.. which is his heart and its quite clear that by you acting the way you did pushed him away. Previously i went out with a guy for a year and i think he had enough of me controlling him and pushing him away from me that in the end he didnt want to know me. Dont push for anything to happen between the two of you because what happens happens for a reason and i believe that in the end no matter how you feel it will be for the better what happens. Good luck

  6. Trust me on this year you won't even remember this'll be interested in someone else.....and by the time you are a Senior you have someone else again..........Then when you get to college(if you are college material) you will have new friends again.........

    There is way too much DRAMA in your life( of your own making & imagination) and he just wants a

    friend....not someone who is arguing with him all the time.......he knows that life goes on and you need to learn the same.....

  7. hahahau.. uuhhh.. (sigh) well at least u have someone.

    i don't have a gf and I'm 15 and never had any one.

    tell him he's right wont help but try anything  

  8. follow ur heart

  9. you need to have a heart to heart with him. tell him whats wrong and if he doesnt pay attention to you than maybe you two should take a little break from each other for a week or two. my boyfriend and i did that about a year ago an it actually worked.

    good luck hun!

  10. it depends if you think it is working out if you do not think it will work out break up with your boyfriend

  11. you guys just need to sit down and talk or go to counciling.  

  12. Trust me, I can relate, sounds alot like what i went through. First of all guys are like that young or old. My husband works away and is out for months at a time. when he comes back he goes and hangs out with the same friends hes with every day so thers no winning there. Anyways, Sounds to me like ur looking at your boyfriend as some kind of safetynet where you can run away from ur problems at home. If you are having problems with him then let him go, that will be one less problem for you. Concentrate at making your relationship at home a better one. I was the same way with my sister and I lost her, now i have no sister and I wish I did. Don't do anything drastic like getting married because trust me it's not the answer and the path ur taking will lead u in that direction. You do have someone to talk to u just choose not to. Try it and u'll feel much better. Im no one but if u need someone to talk to then u can email me at g2c0@

  13. 10 points? I don't think so. 2 Definitely

  14. follow your heart, if it doesnt work out thats fine. he doesnt seem that great if he treats you that way, and dont feel self concios how girls are prettier,yall both have problems, and you just both need to work them out with each other thats how relationships are, but if it doesnt work out that sooo okay.

    i really need the points.

  15. why dont you show him this?

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