
Me and my boyfriend argue a lot?

by  |  earlier

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he used to snap on me all the time and i yelled at him once and told him to quit because it was really annoying. and now it seems like i took his place bc im always snapping. on aug 29th well be dating for 6 months. idk what do, any advice? i know i should stop snapping on him, but any advice on how not to get so mad.




  1. this maybe hard to believe bt me nd my bf have bben going out a yr nd we fight like cats nd dogs for the whole yr cept 4 the first two weeks we started out with each other. i wouldnt worrie bt wat i would say try nd avoid snapping at him over little things cause deep dwn in side ye lik each other vry much nd maybe it could turn to love bt try nd let it fly away wen ye fight cause then it will b a better relationship  

  2. ya i see a nice wedding day in the future ....seems like paradise between both of you doesnt it ...ha ha ha ...then comes the kids ...even better ...ahhh love ...isnt it sweet ...ha ha ha  

  3. we all snap on people we love the most but you just have to learn to control it.  when i'm in a bad mood i let my bf know that way he can give me space and we don't blow up at each other.  also sometimes there is a bigger issue when we snap so maybe just talking with each other could let some of that frustration out.

  4. what are u snapping at him about  that makes u so mad  

  5. if you weren't so in love with him i would tell you that maybe the best thing do to is to take sometime and ask your self if you really love him and if all the fights are worth it. To me fighting all the time seems like you guys really dont like each other as much as you think you do. you have to many differences. But if you really want to keep trying to make things better because you really feel like you love him, i say to just think of all the time you are wasting fighting when you could be making out or something. Try thinking of all the good things he does do for you and of the things that made you fall for him. Good Luck.

  6. Well all i can say is that if he yells at you first for something you didn't do or over some small thing then you have every right to yell back.  But if he does yell, maybe you can just tell him to calm and and talk it out like human beings.  Start asking him questions like why can't he speak normal or why does he always have to yell.  Just keep questioning him maybe you'll find out why he does that

  7. walk away when feeling angry.

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