
Me and my boyfriend been together for 4 years and it seems like the honeymoon phase is so gone?

by  |  earlier

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We see each other 1 a week and we talk 1 a day if i call him(sometimes he calls me when he sees i didn't call him). He has two jobs and has a lot on his plate. Should i be more understanding or should i say something. When he has free time he likes to party to have some fun so it all won't be nothing but work in his life. He agreed to go to the Poconos with me to celebrate our 4 year anniversary we will be there for 3 days. So should i be understanding or say something because i don't want to be clingy and act like i don't have a life cause i do




  1. While you are at the Poconos, have an open honest discussion about how you have been feeling. Understanding on your part about the two jobs is crucial. If he is always going to party without you on his free time, that isn't right. Some of that time needs to be with you. You aren't trying to be clingy, but just a part of his life and you don't want him to forget that.

  2. Since you have been together for 4 years, I'm surprised you don't think your opinion matters. Something is obviously bothering you...and you need to speak up about it.

    Having multiple jobs does put alot onto his plate, but that doesn't mean he can't talk to you. So what if it escalates into a fight? If as a couple, you can't deal with fighting, then you weren't meant to be. No couple gets along 100% of the time. You're not being clingy because you have a concern. Stand up for yourself!

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