
Me and my boyfriend had a baby now when we have s*x he can not keep it hard

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Me and my boyfriend had a baby now when we have s*x he can not keep it hard




  1. question? how long have  it been since you had the baby? if the baby is just a few weeks... give it time, most men see their women not as a hot girl anymore now, he's basin in the fact that your a mom now and he needs some time to get hot again for his new hot momma. if your baby is a year....then ask your boyfriend to go to a doctor and talk to him about what he's thinking he scared of getting you pregnant again that's stopping his erection or is he having a hard time due to watching you give birth? if he saw it, he may be in shock and need some doctors help to relieve him of his mental discuss.....if your baby is over 5 or 5 he may not be being true to you....his attention may be on someone else and its hard to now be with you.  hope that all cases i hope the baby is an infant then you will know that he just need some time.....

  2. well maybe you two can purchase some kind of pill pills. it could be from stress and the fact that he had to wait 6 weeks  

  3. marry with her   asap   belive me

  4. So many possible reasons, somewhere inside he knows the true one. But fear of another pregnancy is a big one.  Anger over how his life has changed and some anger toward you can be a deflater.  Association of motherhood with his own mother.  You may have had post partum depression and cast him away as useless or just taken so much emotional contact with him and invested it in the child.  It is easy for a guy to feel in second, third or fourth place after the child is born and mom and child become the stars to friends and family.  Maybe you could arrange date or motel night out and have someone else take care of the child while you two take a recess for taking care of yourselves as a couple.  Some clubbing, conversation, dancing and being just the two of you mght help.  Treat him a bit special for a few hours and don't make the baby, relatives or such the conversational point of the evening.  Picnics and parking whatever......

  5. Did he witness you having the baby? What I mean is, when you were giving birth, did he see the baby come out ot you?  Sometimes, this mentally plays a toll on a man's mind and they become intimidated.  If this did not occur, possibly he is afraid he may impregnate you again.  He is stressing.  If this continues to no stay hard during s*x, he may need to be have professional counseling to get to the root of the problem.

  6. he is stressing and is tired

    relax and try to not focus so much on that as on just enjoying yourself

    you can go get a ring in the store to help slow down the blood circulation out of the p***s

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