
Me and my boyfriend have been trying to concieve but everytime I take a test it's negative is something wrong?

by  |  earlier

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Also I haven't had a normal period in like 2 months and I think my last normal one was like somewhere around May 22 or something now all I do is spot for like a day or 2. So could I be pregnant and the pregnancy test be wrong???

Or could there be something wrong fertily???




  1. if you were on the pill before you tried conceiving your period can do funny things when you go off.  If you haven't had a normal period since May 22 I would go see a doctor about it.

  2. Yes, something is wrong - you're not married.

  3. You still could be pregnant. Try having blood work done. If not ask the doctor if you can take something to induce you period. If you don't you'll be forever wondering what if, know what I mean.

    Good luck and lots of baby dust on you!!!

  4. yeah umm im 11..?

  5. Just relax and it could eventually happen. My boyfriend and I have been together for 5 years and I never ended up pregnant till just recently when we found out that we will be parents come February. We figured we could never have kids and we never went to a fertility specialist. Dont stress. Sending baby dust your way

  6. How long have you been trying?  My dr told me that it takes a HEALTHY couple on average of 9 months to get pregnant.  It took my husband and I 10 months and I wasn't even on birth control for a year.  After 13 months, he said, is when couples should seek fertility tests to see if something is indeed wrong.  Until then, I'd suggest ovulation kits and keeping track of your body temp.  You can email me if you have any other questions. :)

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