
Me and my boyfriend just broke up yesterday..?

by  |  earlier

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k he broke up with me through a text. he said he would 'have the temptation to cheat on me and he doesnt want to put me through that'

so now were friends. i still really like him, but i guess ill just have to get over it.

after he broke up with me, we said wed still be friends and we can still tell achother everything.

even after he broke up with me we continued talking!

like whatsup what are you doing, stuff like that.

so i wanted to know, when should i text him?

just a text saying hey.

i dont wanna text him right away and sound needy, but i do still want to be friends.

**by the way, im not one o put my feelings out there. so even if i do like him, i would never telll him or be like obsessive around him or anything creepy like that.




  1. He's probably already interested in another girl and couldn't handle the guilt of cheating on you. I would quit texting him. He's a player and he's playing with you.

  2. The ball is in your court now. I respect him for not wanting to break your heart. But, how you choose to maintain the friendship is completely up to you. He's being selfish, so you define how you want to deal.  

  3. i have gone thru that to ya just text him hey or whats up like you would text any of your other guy Friends

  4. Yeah don't give him the pleasure of knowing that this break up hurts you and instead take it like a strong woman who doesn't care and move on. I applaud you for that action!

    Now about the texting and being friends. Give it a day or two and then text saying something like hey, how you doing?  This way you don't seem like it bothered you too much that he broke up with you. I know as a guy it would bother me and kind of make me jealous to know that my GF has moved on so quickly. Prehaps this course of action could help make him jealous and wish he didn't break up with you.

    BTW a text message is a lame way to break up with someone. You are probably better off without someone who can't come up with a better way then that.

  5. Thats bull he just wants to get jiggy with someone else and not feel guilty about it.  

  6. If he says you two are friends, then you are friends, there is nothing wrong with texting someone to say hello, it's just a word simple as that. If he doesn't say anything back to you don't text him back just let it go and eventually he will text you back just give it some time.

    In the event that he does text you back keep the conversation going but don't bring up your relationship (that will just aggravate things) Good Luck!  

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