
Me and my boyfriend. married?!?

by  |  earlier

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me and my current boyfriend are 14. and we've done alot of talking about getting married when were older. and he wants to and i want 2. but he moved to abliene and then earlier he said he wasnt sure i was the 1 for him. then he said i was his wife. hes giving mixed signals wat do i do?




  1. Sweetie, you're 14. Stop worrying if he's your fiance for another few years at least. Hate to break it to you, but you most likely won't get married. Hey, who knows and all, but you're ONLY 14. It's not even legal for another 4 years. Is he your first serious boyfriend? How long have you known him? Stop and think for a minute. Marriage is way more serious than junior high dating.

  2. ur only 14...u have plenty of time to think about that...chances are he wont be the on u marry. as u mature ur tastes change about alot of things........

  3. alright sorry but your 14! yeh its cool to think about marriage and stuff but you are nott 21 or older so that means you dont really have an steady job or career or your dont have a degree so how about you just let that go and just finish school, soooooooooooooooooooo yeh lett it go

  4. Well its hard to take this as seriously as you are because you are 14.

    I know that life can be desperate at your age and when people tell you that you have a lot of growing up to do, its not what you want to hear.

    Believe me that at 14 you love him but at 20 he will be awful.

    As you get older your taste will change wait and see, so be sensible and dont look too far into the future just enjoy what you have and let this boy go.

  5. aww so cute !!

    u shouldnt worry too much he is just probably missing you coz he moved away and stuff ..

  6. heres ur problem you  are  14 right now you might think that hes the one and he thinks that too but ur still young and maybe you will find differences with each other no the best thing for you to do is tell him how you feel

  7. Please don't tell me that you are serious.  You are only 14 years old.  You can't possibly know that he's the one for you and most likely he isn't.  You are so young.  You will date so many guys before you find the right one.  You haven't even begun to live your life.  Of course he isn't sure you're the one.  He's only 14 years old.

  8. are only have plenty of time to get married...after you go to college and start a career

  9. 1.  You finish high school.

    2.  You go to college and get your degree.

    3.  You get started on your career.

    4.  See if/who/when you want to wed, after completing the first three steps.

    5.  In the meantime?  Due to your ages and the distance, tell boyfriend you want to date others.  If you two are truly meant to be together, you will reconnect when the time is right.  (Preferably after age 21.)

  10. omg you are only 14 my dear marriage shouldnt be a thought in your head.

    if he is giving you mixed signals dump his lil scrawny butt. im sure theres plenty of cute young boys at your school.

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