
Me and my dad don't seem to get along, what do I do?

by  |  earlier

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Recently I've been unable to deal with the c**p my dad has been giving me. So one time I yelled back and cussed while arguing. Then he goes off on a tirade about how I can't respect him and what not. The funny thing is that he cusses at me all the time and what not. He says stuff like, "Because of you, I don't want to stay home because I have to deal with you." Then he goes on about how we're unable to get along. What the h**l am I suppose dto do? D:




  1. You are seems to be short tempered guy.  As a tradition, respect yelders even if they misbehave that will keep your family on a piece.

    Compromise is the  word to follow now.!!!! good luck

  2. Stop speaking to him.  ;O)

  3. I bet you are in your teens. I don't think there have ever been many teens who haven't gone through situations like this. You are growing up and becoming more independent and your father is finding it hard to handle.

    As the mother of a teen and a grandmother who has already raised a teen, I know what its like being on both the parent side and as a teen. Even back when the dinosaurs roamed we teens had major problems with our parents.

    I remember being treated as a child when I was convinced I was ready for adult responsibilities. The one time I was disrespectful to my father was the last time. Believe me, he made it clear that I had better never talk like that to him again. lol

    You are struggling with your father because he is just as confused about you as you are with him. He had this little kid who idolized him and now he has a kid who thinks he knows more than Dad. Its perfectly normal but its very hard on parents.

    Since my daughter has become an adult, my IQ has gone up many points in her eyes. She actually values my input sometimes now. I value that more than you can understand.

    Hang in there and have some pity for your poor father who suddenly isn't quite bright. He is doing the best he can in a world where his son has become someone he doesn't know anymore. You have changed beyond anything he could have imagined when you were younger.

    Please show him respect. He is still your father. When you disagree with him, decide whether its really that important to tell him. If it is, pick your time wisely. If you want to do something and he says no, just ask him to explain why. Tell him you need to understand his reasons so you can learn how to make the right choices. If his reasoning is based on things that he believes about today's teens but isn't true for you and your friends, you can point that out.

    You need to show him he can trust you to live with his values whether anyone will ever know or not. He is in a scary place. His job has always been to keep you safe and now you are challenging him and want to be in charge of your own life. He can't keep you safe when you are making your own decisions. He needs to know you have a good head on your shoulders before he can trust you to make your own decisions. Disrespecting him will never be the way to show him how mature and responsible you are.

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