
Me and my ex split up not long ago it was his decision

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me and my ex split up just over a week ago it was his decision he said he still loves me but not in that way so why is he been nasty to me whenever he sees me we agreed to stop friends but he doesnt seem capable of it i dont understand he even told me he slept with someone else after the break up when it appears that hes lying we did not split up on bad terms so why is he been like this i have done nothing wrong to him ever!




  1. This is his problem, he has to deal with it not you.  Walk away, don't look back and start to enjoy your life.  Maybe one day you'll be able to be friends but it's too soon now.

  2. First you two have only be apart a week. Second look he is the one that wanted the break-up. And third now he is going to say and do things to hurt you. Finally he knows that he is the one in the wrong. You need to move on now and be happy . GOOD LUCK EMMA.

  3. Maybe he is trying to not like you or hes trying to put you of him.Bet if you stayed away he would wonder what hit him.I know its hard but if you want him back you have to make out you dont care i swear it works ive had about 3 girlfriends do it to me.I will take you out lol

  4. Any effort towards this guy is a waste,

    totally agree with the above forget the guy.

    Some guys are like that wanna be in control have a pick of women at hand they can mess with. Its a waste of your life.

  5. kepp away from him

  6. You guys can't be friends yet.  You have to get over what ever feelings you have first.  If he isn't treating you like a friend then he isn't over some feelings.  You need to avoid him.  Get him out of your life.  If he is meant to be a friend then he'll be back as such.  Till then, move on and don't look back.

  7. Emma PLEASE move on and forget this jerk!

  8. he's trying to make you jealous. things may be over between you two, but he cant stand the thought of you meeting someone else.

  9. because you've already gotten over him its seems and that has put a dint in his ego,so now he's pissed off and trying to make you jealous( petty petty boys) and hence the meanness. Just ignore him and stop seeing him if you can help it. But if you wanna be mean, tell him you've been with someone else too and that will send him crazy! Or worse get a friend to tell him and say that you didnt wanna tell him coz its seemed harsh :P If he's gonna be small then just play on it.

  10. No idea. Just stop being friends.  

  11. playing games luv....let go and find someone for you......

  12. You don't need someone like this - he sounds like d*** head. You deserve better babe!!

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