
Me and my ex (who is currently engaged to the woman he cheated on me with)?

by  |  earlier

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have a daughter together which is the reason we are still in contact. However, I had taken my daughter out to dinner after work and by the time I got home it was 9:30. On my cell phone, I had 4 missed calls and came to find out that they were all my ex. He was calling me to find out where we were and why we were out so late. Since it is the summer, there should be no reason for him to call me like that and yell at me b/c of what time it is. Can someone tell me why he still does this (mind you his g/f was right there when he was calling me and yelling at me).




  1. Practice this... "we were out. Now, what did you need?"

    and when he starts scolding you... simply say... "We had a lovely time (no details) thank you for asking . What time are you picking our daughter up on Friday? and what shall I pack for her?"

    oh..and ALWAYS say EVERYTHING with a smile and a light heart.

    He is not your daddy. He is not your husband. He is your child's father.

    She deserves one of the parents to be even tempered.. and it will drive. him. crazy. that he can't get your goat.

  2. proving to his gf that he is over you and only cares about ur daughter

  3. maybe he has some feelings for you still. he sounds like a worry wart. i would ask him in private why he was calling me so much.  

  4. because he either 1.  wants you back 2.  wants to look like "big willy" in front of the girlfriend 3.  is selfish and immature.  if i were a betting man, i'd go for 2 and 3.  now, as blocking the guy's number is not an option, i would call him back and tell him that you will not be accepting anymore messages like this...and if he does so again, you will play them for an attorney.  

  5. He was doing this to lift himself up in front of his girlfriend pretending to be this great father that he is not!  Your ex is a great showman and using his daughter to bring attention to himself and being the jerk he sounds like he is. Do not tollerate him yelling at you over the phone because when he does this just hang up on him. If he wants to communicate to you about his daughter he can be nice or you will not connect. If he was that concerned about his child he would pull his head out of his girlfriends azzz and be the decent father he needs to be sweetie. He's a user and a player and all at the expense of a little child. I am really sorry that your going through this so take care and use every extent of the legal system to make him stop with the attitude.

  6. You don't owe him any explanation. I would ignore him. When he calls you should let your daughter answer the phone and if she is not around then let it go to voice mail. He still has feelings for you and you have feelings for him. If he doesn't spend time with his daughter then what do you need him for? Sounds like child support and a new number.

  7. Someone said it! showing off for his gf!

  8. He was showing off for his g/f.  

  9. Was he supposed to have visitation?

    Maybe he had to go to work the next day?

    or there was an emergency.

    You didn't bother to  give enough details.

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