
Me and my family are going eygpt in september, with a child, do we need injections?

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we are going eygpt in september, we will have a child with us, does anyone no if we need injections, i have heard all different answer so far. we will staying in shalm el sheik.

or any other useful info will be grateful




  1. I have to say that Soni89 is absolutely right about the water. Be very careful what you drink. Even salad should be rewashed in bottled water. Go to your GP and check what inocculations you will all need and go soon as it may take a while. With regards to Mosquitoes use Deet 50 lotion from Boots and cover up at night when they are active.


    these sites offer the best info

  3. I'm a regular traveller to Egypt, & the information changes a lot, so my best advice is to go to the 'Travel Nurse' at your local surgery & ask, they will sort you out.

    Some of the other answerers above have given you wrong information, & its important to get it right with children.

    Have a lovely time.

  4. yes my daughter went there   and she had to get injections also they were told to always wash hands after touchning the paper money  she had a brilliant time said the people were great .

  5. I think Malaria is a definite and maybe Diphtheria.  But you can go on the CDC (Centers for Disease Control) website and it should tell you what is recommended for injections prior to traveling.  

    By the way....EGYPT is awesome.  I was in Cairo for 3 weeks...amazing.

  6. Yes, my sister went to Egypt in May with her son who is 4 and they all had to have injections........My advice is to take lots of things for mosquito bites because my sister was covered in them when they got back, and be careful of drinking the water, even bottled water because sometimes they will refill used bottles with tap water so make sure the seals are still intact :-) have fun and be really careful of pick pockets P.s if your son is young you could get him a wrist strap so hes attached to you because it can get very busy and they like foreign children and will often come over and start touching them so just be careful  x

  7. Make sure all the kids are up to date on their immunizations as well as you too! Malaria I wouldn't worry about too much, we just went to China and opted not to over immunize and we were fine as long as we stayed away from tap water.

  8. It's always best to get inoculated against children

  9. no one needs to take injections when you come to Egypt , Sharm.

    we dont have malaria or diphtheria or any epidemic.

    there are no flies or mosquitoes in Sharm.

    yes, drink bottled water and brush your teeth with it , too.

    this is bec tap water in Sharm is not for drinking , not bec we have epidemics .

    apply sunblock when you expose your body to the sun .

    that's all .

  10. You don't HAVE to get any inoculations to go to Egypt,

    my doctor made me take Malaria pills, but the second time I went, he admitted he probably had been paranoid, and I didn't really need it.

    You should go to a local Infectious Disease Doctor and ask him what he recommends.  He will have the latest information about what you might catch.

  11. yes. you do. consult an exotic doc. he/she will tell you what you need to get. personally, I have been to Tanzania, Ethiopia and a bunch more, and have only gotten sick without the shots, in guatemala.

  12. Sounds like Moonrise is from there.

    No vaccinations are needed, I've been twice and never had any at all - having visited the doctor for advice. I was asked if my tetanus was up-to-date but even that I was advised to get when I returned, it wasn't important for the trip.

    The mosquitos that are around on the Sinai Peninsula, where Sharm is based, are not the kind you catch malaria from.

    The water issue is correct. Drink and brush your teeth with bottled water which is inexpensive. Drink plenty to avoid de-hydration - which is the biggest cause of diarrhoea. The water used in the taps is desalinated sea water which is perfectly alright for washing in and flushing the toilet. Avoid ice in drinks and salad stuff which may not have been washed in bottled water.

    Don't worry too much about pick pockets, I've not heard of any issues such as this before and many of my friends visit there regularly for the diving - my reason for visiting twice.

    You will be asked by many shop owners to visit their shop. Reply politely with 'La Shokram' which means 'No thank-you' and they tend to leave you alone. Don't feel like you will offend them, they are only trying to make a living.

    If you can afford it, take the 2 day bus tour to Cairo. This will allow you to see the Sound and Light show at the Pyramids which, whilst not awesome, is a sight worth seeing.

    If you don't dive already this is something worth trying. If not you must at least try the snorkelling. The fish life is amazing.

    Visit the Hard Rock Caef. The only one in the world I believe where the staff get together at certain times during the night and dance and sing to hits such as Greased Lightening. We went there for my daughters 21st birthday and they made it memorable.

    Above all else, have a fantastic time.

  13. eh well it's always best to be prepared and get some vaccinations before traveling far away. ask a doctor. they'll be able to tell you.

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