
Me and my friend wanna go to boarding school but we need it CHEAP do you know of any????

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Okay so I have heard stories about kids who go to boarding school and they loved it. well now we wanna go to boarding school, except we need it to be super cheep, because my mother is a teacher and has a teachers salary. we don't care about uniforms, since our school now has uniforms, but we kind of are into the prep school style and kind of sort of like emo guys. so we need a school with those kind of people, yes we do. please help!!




  1. Have you seen any Harry Potter movies? (smile)

    That's what I'm picturing when you give your idea of boarding school.  It ain't that way.

  2. I agree with the others that boarding school should be for students who really desire to study and will not just go there for the guys. However, if you really are doing it for the education there are a few boarding schools out there that are free or low cost such as the Milton Hershey school in PA, but they are extremely hard to get into as they mostly serve the needs of the locals who are poor and underprivleged. Otherwise, do a Google search to check for schools that  have scholarship awards or even financial aid.

  3. Boarding schools aren't cheap.  The one that is near me is over $30,000 a year.

  4. My friend goes to Milton Academy in Massachusetts, it's 40,000 a year, but it's a great school.

    It's boarding.

  5. Sweetie, you want to attend boarding schools for the wrong reasons.

    Boarding schools are not about a preppy uniform and "stories" by kids who loved it. You need to stop watching so much TV - are you the age-group that watches Zoey 101 and stuff like that?

    Education is important, and boarding schools provide different opportunities and a different scope, depending on pupils´ needs. If you want to go to a different school, you need to talk to your mom, and you better have other reasons than "prep school style and kind of sort of liek emo guys".

  6. Check your state's campground directory.

  7. Sounds to me like you've been reading heaps too much Enid Blyton!

    Have you ever even visited a real life boarding school? Spoke to the principal? The House parents? Stayed-over for the weekend? During the week? Decided what sort of education you need/want? Considered how you'll handle getting hot-housed 24/7? Thought about how you'll cope when the school decides to split up the two of you? Geez, have you even spoken to your own parents?  There are heaps of things you need to do BEFORE you can possibly know if you want to go to boarding school, or not.

    However cheap the school though, neither the school (nor the other students) are going to want you if your only reasons for being there are based on hearsay and that you're "kind of are (sic) into the prep school style and kind of (sic) sort of (sic) like (sic) emo guys".

    Anyway, what's cheap? The only boarding schools I know that are cheap and will still give you a decent education are the ones in Africa (but you can probably forget South Africa, I reckon schools there'd charge western fees).

    If you're serious about it (which, at the moment, I doubt VERY much!) and honestly want a cheap (but good) boarding school education, you'd probably have to look somewhere like Kenya or Nigeria. Just a pity that Rhodesia/Zimbabwe's fallen apart; I could've given you the name of a really good school in Bulawayo, LOL.

    That, or persuade your mum to get a job in a school that'll take you at a discount!

    The only cheap boarding school I've ever heard of in the West is in France...but they make you spend all day, every day, doing latin and bible studies and nothing else. Ideal if the two of you are set on becoming priests.  

    The cheapest boarding school my parents and I looked into (when I was having one of my rare (now defunct!) 'I wanna go to school' moments, lol!) was $25,000 a year...without any of the extras your parents'd have to pay for. And that was 3 years ago, they probably are charging $30,000 a year now (as Aussiemum says)

  8. i'm you want to go to a boarding school because of the academics or because of the people? because it really isn't worth spending almost as much as a college tuition to switch schools because you're into its "style."

    i'd discuss  your choice with your family and seriously evaluate *why* you want to go to boarding school...the academics are rigorous, but prestigious and it's more than just "prep school"

  9. There aren't any, plain and simple.  Private schools themselves cost anywhere from $3,000-$16,000 per year, that's with only one meal (that you also pay for) and no lodging.

    Boarding schools include a whole lot more, and expect a whole lot they cost a whole lot more.  You may be able to find one that offers scholarships, but you're going to have to work your tail off to get one of those.  Not that you can't, but just letting you know.

  10. On this site you will see schools directory. find ur area and cheap  school.

  11. You will never find a 'cheap' boarding school.

    They have to factor in EVERYTHING for costing, food, laundry service, medical things ....etc

    Boarding schools are at least $30,000 a year.

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