The thing is... The park closes early although we can sneak in easilly but also the a lot of the activity we see happens near the pool area which if we break into it the motion sensors go off and we are screwed...
We want to know what (Somewhat cheap?) materials we can get to try and find them, what easy ways to find and connect to the ghosts are, what we need to do, how long we should do it and how we should go about this.
There are four of us. Me, my boyfriend, my best friend and her boyfriend. The park holds 2 soccer feilds and 3 baseball feilds, a jungle gym, alot of trees, a library, a pool, 3 parking lots and 2 sets of swings so it is big. We learned the background of the area and a childrens hospital had burnt down there years ago.
Please help. 10pts.