
Me and my g/f are having s*x. I need help!!!?

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Me and my g/f are having s*x,(we're both 17) we dont want to have a kid yet, we dont use protection, but i dont c*m inside her, we just stop whenever i get close to yea...But i over heard some freinds talking about pre-c*m, and that a gril can get pregnant off of it, how do i know if i pre-c*m, how can i be sure if i do or not???




  1. You can get her pregnant ANYTIME. It doesn't matter if you pull out or if she is on her period. Trust me, I know because it happened to me.  You can go to Planned Parenthood and they will give you free condoms. They can also make her an appointment for birth control, they don't disclose any personal information to your parents or anyone. Be careful, use protection.

  2. She can definitely get pregnant. All men have pre c*m.  I'm sure your girlfriend knows, just from being with you before you started having s*x.  If she can't tell her parents she wants to go to the doc and get on the pill, she needs to go to Planned Parenthood, and they will give her months worth of birth control.  Also, make sure you guys aren't having s*x when she is ovulating, this will significantly reduce her chances.  Basically what that means is have s*x right after her period, or right before.  Pull out method is better than you going inside her, but she can still get pregnant.

  3. use a condom, it doesnt matter what kind of s*x you do, you are at risk unless you use a condom, or birth control atleast.

  4. The pull out method does not work. My best friend has 3 kids. 1 was because birth control does not work when you are on antibiotics. The other 2 were due to using the pull out method. There is some "pre-c*m" that comes out before you actually know you are close enough to pull out. The best method is of course abstinence but with that not being an option you need to not only use condoms but she needs some sort of birth control also. There are pills, patches, shots, foams, cremes, and now rings. There is no excuse for unprotected s*x with so many choices out there.

    I can tell you this because I too was having s*x at 17, we didn't use any method, not event the pull out. After about 9 months I made the mistake of saying "he can't get me pregnant" because we had been having unprtected s*x for 9 months with no problem. Well the very next time I had s*x with him my son was created. That was 20 years ago.

    It is good that you are at least thinking about it but you have to do somethng about it.

    Be "careful". Good Luck

  5. rubbers do wonders :]

  6. there is no 100% safe method

    the method you are using lets a few thousand sperm in

    alot of would be fathers become fathers this way.....

    wrap wrascal, or put a helmet on that soldier before you send him off to battle !

  7. Just use a d**n condom for Christs sake.

  8. well really u can't know wen u pre-c*m it just happen sometimes so u have 2 b real care full wen having unprotected s*x with ure g/friend

  9. Let me put it this way, pulling out is  just as effective as crossing your fingers and  hoping for the best. You may not get her pregnant  the first time you pull out , or the second or  third but it will happen. Until you are ready to  be parents you shouldn't  be putting your p***s anywhere near her v****a  with out wrapping it up first.

  10. the withdraw method is the least effective of all

    safe s*x ideas

    you and her are both 50% responsibly

    check out

    it will help you out tons

    my advice use condom, birth control, spermicide or no s*x at all.

    you can love without s*x and you can have s*x without love

  11. Yeah she can. The pull out method doesn't always work. Use protection.

  12. I think everyman has "precum". It comes out to "clean" the urethra of bacteria and urine. It does this because the body wants you to be able to reproduce and urine kills sperm. So yes, each time you bone her, you have precum.

    I got pregnant with my daughter from precum. We didn't even have s*x, just got it in there and 6 weeks later I was throwing up everyday and looking for a job...Be careful, kids are the least of your worries. There is AIDS, HPV, and STDs

  13. that dosnt work, get her on the pill and use protection

  14. the pre come thing is a myth, i have been having s*x with my boy for 2 months and we dont use protection and he polls out to and i haven't become prego, of your really worried just use a condom.

  15. Use Protection!

    There is a name for people who use the "pull-out" method of birth control. That name is PARENTS !

    I work for a living and don't want the government taking my money away to pay for the support of your mistake.

  16. Every man (or in your case boy) produces pre-ejaculate.  It is not something you can control or stop nor is it something that you can tell is happening.  Your girlfriend CAN get pregnant from the sperm in this fluid.  It is ABSOLUTELY necessary to wear a condom from the moment you make "contact" down there.

    BTW, you are far to young to be having s*x if you don't already know about this stuff.  Wait until you're married--it makes the s*x better and the relationship more meaningful.

  17. Use protection if you don't want to be a father soon.Condoms are cheap.

  18. ok im 13 and my ex bf is 15 and he wanted a kid really bad and he would always try to c*m inside me.....but i was stupid and let him..for a reason but pre c*m can get her preggo sp*rm can live 48 hours outside of the body..... so clean before u do and glove up before u make love

  19. you can't be sure it doesn't happen, you need to use protection if you don't want a kid.  Go to the drug store or a clinic for some protection

  20. It's like a clear liquid that comes outta you while you have s*x but b4 you c*m. You can get a girl pregnant from it so it is smart to use a condom or some other form of protection, because pre-c*m still contains sperm.

  21. use protection!

    you cannot be sure, have you ever realized how slippery it was?

    that is usually a mix of precum and her fluids, the chances aren't as high, and i don't want to enforce you to do it without protection, but i have done it without it for 6 months, and i haven't gotten pregnant, some scares, but stress killed it.

    You precum, it happens and you don't know it.

    use protection, and don't end the life of a helpless child who happened to have foolish parents. I understand the consequences, and know about them.

    you should too.

    Don't be silly, wrap your willy!

    hope i helped! =]

  22. It's called a condom and even those aren't 100% affective.

    My 17 year-old boyfriend and I (16) had s*x once. I was on the pill and we used a condom and I still got pregnant. Make sure you know what you want before you go for it. Are you willing to take care of a baby if it were to happen?

  23. hunny,

    as long as u have ur p***s in her v****a u r leaking s***n. prec*m has just as much potential to get ur g/f pregnant as c*m does. the only safe way is either to use protection, birthcontrol, or no s*x at all. even the pull-out method does not work. there is still prec*m before u pull out. hope i helped.

  24. First, go put your clothes on. Then get into your car and drive (or walk) to the nearest store and buy protection!

  25. yes you can get her pregnant its proven and well you shouldnt just be using protection so that you dont get her pregnant also because there is a lot of  cases of getting HIV or any STD just dont risk it you are to young to become infected or a parent think about it :)

  26. dont risk anything

  27. in my experience all guys pre-cm and it's a clear fluid that comes out sometime before you actually cm. and if you don't want to get her pregnant word of advice birth control and condoms almost always work. better than risky s*x i say. as a s*x educator i take it upon myself to share my knowledge and you should never ever have s*x without some form of protection period.

  28. No, the prec*m thing is NOT a myth, whoever said that up there, have fun becoming a parent. But yes, it does contain sperm, and yes, you can become pregnant that way,

  29. If you do not want a kid then you should be using protection every time because there is always a risk involved when having unprotected s*x and pregnancy is not the only one. There really is no way for you to know weather or not you do but yes she can get pregnant from that.

  30. Well I'm 18 and at the moment 9 1/2 months pregnant

    Pre C*m does get you pregnant


    Use protection home slice

    Just stick her on the pill or something like that

  31. Im 19 and ive got two kids with one on the way and trust me if you don't want kids use protection. The s*x will be h**l of a lot better if you stay in her so their reali isant any reason not to use protection. She can get pregnant from pre ***.

    Its better to be safe and happy than sorry.

    Good luck hun

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