
Me and my gf have been trying to have a baby can anyone tell me why she isnt getting pregnant?

by  |  earlier

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we have tried like 5 or 6 times




  1. The average number of months for trying to conceive before success is actually 8 consecutive.  Some people become pregnant within a month or two, and some (my friend for example) can take 18 months or more.  It's often all about timing.

    If after 12 consecutive months of consistently trying (tracking ovulation, etc) without pregnancy, your GF should see her doctor for a full physical to make sure that things are working right.

  2. How old are you? How would we know why? Not to mention it can take up to a year for some people, if not longer.  

  3. Try maturing, getting educated, employed and perhaps married.

    Are you able to support a family? Today it costs  $115,000 to raise a child to the age of 18.

  4. Could be one of many things. She should start by seeing a doctor and explain that she is wanting to conceive. The doctor can check for anything that is preventing pregnancy, but sometimes it just takes time.  

  5. Is she taking folic acid in a prenatal vitamin? Maybe, both of you should be medically evaluated to check for problems or have fun trying!

  6. I'm a health.Take her to the doctor and tell them your issue.Hope they know.

  7. maybe the baby is waiting for the two of you to get married so it can be born into a stable home. are you even in a financial position to afford a baby. make sure you think everything through before you make such a life changing choice.

  8. there  can be various reason behind this almost of them relevant to heath so best is contact a specialist and let him know everything

  9. maybe you're not doing it at the right time, she may want to start charting her cycles.

  10. it takes awhile

  11. maybe youre tryin too hard

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