
Me and my girlfriend are going to winter park, co for skiing. What do I need?

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This is my first time on the snow. What clothes, equipment rental, classes, lift tickets, etc do we need to make some beginner snowboarding?




  1. A heavy duty snow suits, ski shoes/boots, snow googles or even a face mask for protection of the wind and snow, please do not wear jeans or sneakers you will freeze your a** off skiing. Most ski resorts offer rental of Snow boards and skis and offer training classes too.

  2. Look at Winter Park website and look for package deals

    that might include rentals, lift tickets and lesson

    If not you can rent equipment a lot cheaper on the way from Denver in Idaho Springs, also you won't have to mess with it at a crowded mountain shop, you'll save 20 per day per person, look at

    There are a lot of coupons available for Winter Park for lift tickets, look on Ebay or Great Entertainment Book, most are 2 for 1 and will save you 85 per day

    You should definitely get a reservation for lessons as beginner classes fill fast and you won't have to wait in line

    Be patient and consider being in a different class than your girlfriend as she will do better without you at least the first morning JMHO

    You should also hit up all of your skiing or boarding friends and borrow clothes, no reason to buy everything that you can borrow, mainly a good quality ski pants, jacket and gloves that are waterproof ( goretex preferably )

    Spend the money you save on a nice dinner

    Most of all HAVE A GREAT TIME

  3. snow board

    snow board boots


    you buy the lift ticket there

  4. first time boarding at winter park?? what a waste.

    you'll be on your butt %70 of the time and your g/f will probably give up afer one run....i suggest skiing

    boarding takes a lot of time, pain, and patience

  5. Definitely get yourselves some lessons!  If you don't do that you guys probably won't have much fun.  Snowboarding takes a few days to get the hang of so for the first day it's pretty unrewarding and not terribly fun but after that you start to pick up some steam and skills.

    Equipment rental: you can rent before you get to the mountain but it might be easiest to spend a few extra bucks and get it up there so if you need something different (wrong sized boots, wrong stance, want to switch to skis) you can do it there easily.  You'll need boards&bindings, boots and I'd recommend goggles if you can swing it.  They feel odd but make a world of difference to keep part of your face warm and make things visible.

    Classes: get a beginner lesson!  Easy.

    Lift tickets: most mountains offer lift tickets (or at least discounts) with beginner lessons.  If they don't then ask if they have some kind of "green pass" that gets you on the easiest chairs only and is cheaper than a whole mountain pass.

    Clothes:  you'll need good waterproof pants and jackets.  Underneath that layer fleece and non-cotton clothing and you will be cozy all day.  Jeans are a pretty bad choice because they don't bend that well and when they're wet they are heavy and cold.  Same goes for sweatshirts.  Hats and gloves are always good too.

    When you're on the slopes take as little of value as you can.  If your car has a remote and a key just take the key.  Don't take a nice camera or phone because you might fall on it or get it wet and break it.  If you have to take a disposable camera or an old one.  I try not to take much more than a few dollars and some ID with me in my pockets.

    Have fun!  Snowboarding is a bit tricky to start but once you get the hang it's the greatest thing ever.

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