
Me and my husband are trying to concieve.?

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my last period was on july 24 i never got one in august. but i took a pregnancy test yesterday morning and a negative. i was just wondering do you have to get implantation bleeding before you can get an accurate positive pregnancy test? and when does implantation bleeding take place? we would of concieved if we did the fourth of august?? thanks!




  1. implantation bleeding does not happen for everyone.  If you missed august period and you are pregnant a test should've shown it.  It is still a little early, though.  Wait a few days, take another, and if still no period/negative test, see your doctor.

  2. implatation bleeding is actually very rare...i didnt get an AF in august either....she just krept up on me lastnight :(

  3. implanation takes place 6-12 days usually (can be longer or shorter) not everyone will get implantation bleeding, i actually don't personally know anyone that has.

    with your period being so late, i would advise you to go get a blood test at the doctors cos hpts can sometimes not give even a very pregnant woman a positive result (seen this happen)

    goodluck to you  

  4. No, everyone does not have implantation bleeding.  You may need to go to the doctor to see whats going on.  Good luck and lots of baby dust.

  5. You may not experience implantation bleding at all. Try to track your ovulation with ovulation sticks, it's the mst accurate.


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