
Me and my partner want to go abroad next week but we dont want to spend no more than £150 per person any ideas

by  |  earlier

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we have tried thomson and expedia also various other internet searches but they are all coming up at £200 - £300 pp

we would like to go somewhere hot and relaxing no where with lots of clubs




  1. Try

  2. if ur a girl...its easy. come to trhe US. Ill take care of ya both.

  3. unless you can get last minute deals you will ahve a problem, why not just go to a travel agent and ask for last min deals, you can even go to the Thomson desk in the airport and try, might just get a real bargain.

  4. go by bicycle (yours) take a chain for when you are near your favorite club to chain them down

    drink only water

    wash cloth yourselves

    eat only bread

    sleep in sleeping bags in the woods

    bring condoms from home

    do NOT open your mail when there

    cycle back home when the 150 is finish

  5. Check out they have some great deals on flights with suggestions for 1 week breaks there too. This site scans every single airline site and brings back the cheapest deals.


  6. stay at home

  7. its gunna be real hard cos its school holidays-good luck tho and tell us if u managed it

  8. yeah you can get it half price if you go by yourself.

  9. Book everything yourself.  Check out Ryan Air for cheap flights.  We're going to Carcasonne in October for about £150, booked flights through RyanAir and our own accommodation.

  10. Go to British Airways they have a sale on

  11. Budget airline + private room in a youth hostel should keep you under budget.

  12. Take Eazyjet to Barcelona and work a few hours each day as a living statue in Las Ramblas. You have to be good though.

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