
Me and my sister have seperate iTunes accounts. She downloaded all of my music & she still has her own music?

by  |  earlier

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She has all of my files and all of her files onto her ipod which isn't fair because she didn't pay for my music and stuff. So I want to get her music onto my ipod as well. How do you do that? how do you have music from 2 itunes libraries on one ipod??????




  1. its impossible.

    may i suggest media monkeyy?

    right there you can just put the songs and add new songs one by one.

    you can also delete them one by one.its kewl.better than itunes you can have two seperate libraries there.

  2. talk to apple about it

  3. you have probably given authorization to her computer.  deauthorize the computers and then go back and reauthorize your own computer. she wont be able to use it anymore once all the authorizations have been cleared away.  I had to deauthorize because I had my 5 computers and needed to add my new computer.

    You can get rid of the itunes encoding by burning the songs to disc as a standard audio CD format and then re-import them into your computer as an mp3 file.  Encoding is gone and you can put it on any computer.  The trick is to burn then immediately import because it will keep all the info for the song.

  4. don't worry about that as long as you both have the same thing  in common. let her have all the music she want as long as she don't delete all of your music. but then again after while your ram in your computer will be slow if you don't do something with all that music.

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