
Me and my son, want your to know if you can help?

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we want to learn to forage , in kentucky.

we cant afford the boy scouts we are poor. but we want an adventure together, to many years have past he is now 12 and i will loose my chance soon.

any good tips accepted




  1. Hello Linda:

    Smilinwide is correct. The BSA does have some funds set aside to help offset the cost of Scouting. To find you council, visit and enter your zip code. This will give you contact information for the Scouting groups in your area. The cost should be reasonable, even for families on limited budgets. The troops have spare equipment for the boys to use, there are used uniforms available at a very reasonable cost, so the expense of trips will be food and fuel. Organized Scouting units have fund raisers to offset these expenses.

    I don't understand what "to forage" means, can you elaborate or clarify?

    Keep on Scoutin'

  2. Boy scouts usually will have a program to help families who can not afford the local leader and ask.

  3. Go to your local library and get a book on the flora and fauna in your area and then go out in the woods and look for them.  If there is a state or national park close to where you live that you could camp at, that would be a relative inexpensive way to spend a weekend together.  Plus, you could check with the park's Rangers to see if they could guide you or give you any information.

  4. have you tried geocashing. you get grid coordinates off the computer and you have to hunt for that site, and there is usually something to find at each site. it'f fun look it up

  5. teach him everything the boy scouts teach him to hunt, camp, build fires  all of that fun stuff. Throw a football with him every once an a while just to keep him happy take him hiking none of that cost that much money me and my dad go camping for nothing he tought me to hunt just with his license and the shotting range witch cost again nothing there is alot of fun outdoor things to do cant find a cheap campground go out in your back yard it will be fun to him set up a tent build a fire the fun stuff

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