
Me and my son are planning a fishing trip in myrtle beach SC.?

by Guest62030  |  earlier

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We will be fishing the intercostal waterway. Im new to this type of fishing and was wondering if anybody could help. What fish to catch, bait to use, and any other information would be appreciated.




  1. wow that's great Idea for outing. Can I join you in India it not possible everywhere

  2. Thanks for posting this. We are heading back East for a week with my in laws and they are a big fishing family. I too struggle with how do we emphasize compassion and our ethics without painting grandparents in a bad light.

    One thing I am trying to do is encourage my 3 years old to ask them why they eat meat or fish or drink cows milk. He asks me and I can give the well, it's hard for people to change or they might not know but I kinda feel like I am speaking for them and what I am saying isn't the truth. Does this make sense? So I want him to be able to ask them up front and have them tell him the truth.

  3. Check out

    I use it often, when fishing out of state, looking up rules and regs for types of lures/ bait you can use in various states (TN being the WORST!), and license info, kids casting events or kids fishing derby listings, etc...

    Good luck and good fishing! Have fun!

    Someday my little girl will be my fishing buddy, when she learns patience, and stops throwing rocks and sticks in the water, while daddy is fishing. :)

    Even a day of fishing with no keepers, in the company of good friends/ family, is better than being at work! :D

  4. off the coast you will be able to catch drum crowker trout sea bass sting ray (hate them )crab( hate them too) eel shovelhead shark mullit all diff kinds of fish and its best to use small sqied or shrimp .shrimp is 3.75 a lb and squid is 4.15 a lb and bring a big rod with atleast 40lb testline and a bunch of 2oz weights and if you r on a boat while usind a dept finder you dont want to fish in too deep of water at the most  136 feet anything deeper you will be just catching crab and stingray unlee thats what you want but i think the best fish to catch is amber jack great fight  not very good eating though and macrole is great also and all you have to do is bait up on a double lead and cast out and during this time of year the fishing is great

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