
Me and my white boyfriend got harassed for dating?

by  |  earlier

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When is this going to end?

The other day I was in the park walking with my white boyfriend of 2 years, and a bunch of guys walked by and started saying a bunch of stuff about us, calling me names and threatening my boyfriend.

That kind of stuff seriously makes me sick to my stomach.

Will things ever get better?




  1. Moses  married a black woman

  2. Well don't date in public if you can't  handle it. Otherwise, you just got to think about you and your guy and not what othes WANT to happen (or not happen) because wheter they like it or not, you and other different race couples aren't going anywhere.  

  3. I know how you feel, I'm g*y and been with my husband for 8 years. We hold hands out side of our home. I don't care what other people say, because for 1, there not paying my bills, and 2 it's none of there d**n business what my husband and I do.

    You should do the same thing, don't let it bother you, because there's always gonna be idiots that are closed minded in this world. And guess what, God don't like ugly, so all the idiots that call names and do hateful stuff, they will get there day in h**l. So, just keep your head held high and be happy that you have a loving boyfriend... Good luck!!!  

  4. I am so sorry.  I'm white and experienced the same thing when I dated a black guy --- and that was in 1970!!  It was very upsetting and scary; I remember shaking and feeling sick to my stomach.  We were in a restaurant and I can't imagine what would have happened if we had been in a park walking like you were.

    So will things get better?  I sure hope so but then almost 40 years has gone by since this happened to me.

    And it has probably gotten better in many cities all over America. There will always be people among us who will never change their attitudes & a small # of them who will resort to threats and violence.

  5. You gonna have to get use to it. There will always be some people who will be against interracial dating. Some people are just jealous.

    So its best to ignore them and go about your business. I am also marry out of my race and use to get  lots of nasty looks and comments. but now its  different because I have choose to ignore them and now i don't seem to notice what people are saying because i don't really care now. So sweetie just ignore them.  

  6. I'm sorry that happened to you :(

    But ugh!! Ugh, ugh, ugh!!! That stuff makes me sick as well. Like the time when our next door neighbors moved out when a black family moved in down the street. Ugh!!!

    Anyway, we can only hope that racist idiots see through their ugly ways and shut up.

  7. Wow that is awful.  So sad things like that are still happening however I like to believe it is the exception not the rule.  If you have been together 2 years and it was the first time it happened just remind yourself that the group of guys were idiots and racists and acted that way because they were in a group.  I know (at least the people I know) think absolutely nothing of people of different races/cultures dating as it is quite common.  However, unfortunately there will always be people who are like that so you just have to accept it and not let it affect your relationship.  I can see how it would be very upsetting and sickening to you though.  It makes me sick to think that people can act that way towards other people.

  8. Sorry to burst your bubble, but things will never get better.  The best that you can do is move to a part of the country that is a bit more tolerant.  However, there will always be idiots in the world.  If it makes you feel any better, they are small minded people and they don't deserve an iota of your time.

  9. it is a challenge, and there are always going to be people who may say things and also give nasty looks. keep your head up. ive been married to the most wonderful black man for 11 yrs now. we have been through so much hatred and glares. dont let others discourage your relationship. work on the issues together and get past the negative. we have gotten to the point that we refuse to take others ignorance personal. if you love him as well as he loves you, keep your heads up and dont take anything personally. remember love knows no boundaries.

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