
Me and my wife are flat broke we dont have any family to borrow and dont want to pawn anything!?

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how can we get a little cash?




  1. You don't 'want' to pawn anything?

    Then, you're really not that hard up for cash, are you?

  2. Sorry to tell you but you will have to settle with pawing some stuff, get another job, get the wife working as well and really if you are flat broke how you paying for the internet to ask this question? and the computer your using.  I think someone needs to make some sacrifices if he wants to get out of this funk.  Maybe God is testing you how important are all your materialistic items are you willing to give some up to get on your feet.

    I had a huge video collection like 150+ and when times was tough had to pawn them all.  I also had a 700 dollar mountain bike pawned it as well.  That was 5yrs ago guess what things have turned around for my wife and I since then wife in nursing school I work fulltime and hey you know what I gave it all to GOD.  When times are tough start praying.

    Your placing too much emphasis on your possession where is your heart on God or Money.  

    Consider contributing something to a church on your neighbourhood

    maybe volunteer yourself to do work around the church or something.  It is amazing what a church family and having God on your side can accomplish.

    God Bless and Best Wishes.

    If you do have a job pay day loan?.

  3. do you work are you on drugs do you drink   do you have children  you could apply for public assitance did you graduate from high school are you collage educated mcdonalds is always hiring my wife brings home about 400 dollers every 2 weeks if you and your wife both worked there you could bring home about800 every 2 weeks  it puts food on the table  and pays the rent try public housing you will not get any pitty from me

  4. Try to find odd jobs.  Yard work or things like that.  You could also have a yard sale.

  5. Not much to do here.  Getting a second job could help.  Something like waiting table puts cash in hand more quickly.  Short of selling something there are not many options.  Also, doing jobs for people around you is a possibility.  Such as cutting grass, cleaning yards etc.  Collect aluminum cans and turn them in (other metals too).  Some places will pay for blood donations.  Don't vote democrat as the previous responder suggests, that is very bad for everyone.

  6. Got any prescription meds you can sell?  :-)

  7. Have a yard sale. Take a look around your house and see if there is anything you need to get rid of.  You know...old clothes, shoes, children clothes (if you have kids), books, old furniture etc. Believe it or not this can bring in some quick money.  

  8. Hey! We are in the same situation. Just me, hubby and the kids. No family or friends what so ever. Well, We sold off items. You may not want too but you know what, they are just materialistic items.  My other suggestion wouild be for one or both of you to get jobs stocking at walmart. They have 24 hour jobs at help make up some cash.

    If you feel comfortable with it as well and are healthy you can try sperm or egg donations.

  9. Sell some of your personal property on EBAY and collect all the proceeds yourself. If you have  a broken down car, you can call a scrapper service and get paid for them to take the broken down car away . ( i made $500 on mine) Call Catholic charities they give you some funds, but dont expect much. Call your county or township office of public aid or welfare office see what you qualify for.

    You may not want to pawn stuff.. but you may not have much choice. Try  selling it rather than pawning. HAve a yard sale.. sell your stuff and clean out your closets, garage, basement..

    one mans garbage is another mans gold.. One time I made $600 on c**p from my basement..

    Contact your local church and ask for assistance..

    Good luck and god bless you. and see you thru the hard times!

  10. well vote democrat because they always raise everyone else's taxes to help people that don't plan their finances...

  11. get 2 jobs  

  12. If you both work you could get second jobs that are part time or have a yard sale.

  13. donate can get about 50 each time.  My husband did while in college.

  14. Get a second job for more income.

  15. Get a job, or a second job if you both already have one.

  16. Get another job or do overtime at your current job and cut back on non-necessity spending. There's no easy (legal) way to get cash other than working!

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