
Me and my wife can't agree! Is this normal..?? ?

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My mother lives with me and my wife after splitting from my step-dad. I'm not that close to her emotionally as she never raised me. I lived with my father as a child.

My question is this.. Is it normal for me and my mother to be naked around each other?

It drives my 22year old wife mad. I love her a lot but we argue because of this.

My Mum walks into the bathroom when I'm brushing my teeth naked to have a conversation with me. She calls me into the bathroom while she's in the bath naked to have a chat.

My wife says that it's odd because she never raised me. She says it's strange for my mum to call me into the bathroom while she's naked just to have a 15 minute conversation about what to have for dinner. Who's right? Could she be jealous of my Mother? My Mother is only in her early 40s as she had me quite young.




  1. ur wife is the queen of the castle respect her always  

  2. I wouldn't want to be around my mother naked. That is not normal. But you get naked in front of your wife , but you love her in a different way and also make love to her. This to me is not normal.

  3. Sorry but your mom has a s***w loose. Maybe if you were 5 years old you might expect it but not in your 20's. That is just plain sick.  

  4. You are wrong on this...Always remember that there is only one queen in a castle.

  5. Yes this is wrong behavior for your mother to do. Sounds to me like she is trying to compete with your wife. She knows d**n well that her behavior pisses the wife off and the mother loves the drama. It doesn't matter if this women raised you or not. She is being inapropate. She must stop this now or your marriage will fall apart. You need to get this women out of your house. Now! Find her a studio apartment. Anything to move her out of your home. I know that you love her but you need to save your marriage. This is doing nothing for the 2 of you except create tension. which can break up a marriage. You should also be telling your mother "NOT to walk around the house naked. Tell her it is innapproate. You must put your foot down. Tell her she can do what ever she wants behind closed door but you and your wife will not have it. It seems like you are taking your mothers side. You should be next to your wife 100%. I would get this women out of the house before it cost you your marriage.!

  6. ur wife's right!

    y can't ur mother have a conversation when she's fully dressed!

    lock ur bathroom wen ur in it!

    maybe ur wife just wants to be the onli one who sees u naked i dunno but ur wife's definitly rite!

    its kinda wierd that ur mom does that

  7. Yeah, not so normal. Kinda gross and incestuous to be honest.  

  8. I don,t know . You know we all came into this world naked . Personally i see nothing wrong with the naked body but i don,t want to see my kids walking around nude just for the simple fact we don,t do that and never will . As long as its not turning you or her on then do what you feel . You should have respect for your wife she is number one in your life and if its bothering her then stop doing it . She obviously looks at nudity as a sexual gesture and most people do its just the way we was taught when young. Just another commodity for sale .

  9. Eeeewwwe

    Your wife is right on this one

  10. ewwww! That's really gross!

  11. There are  free thinking families where nudity isn't thought of in sexual terms, however, your wife isn't one of those free thinkers.

    If she has to be part of this relationship, her feelings should be considered. Put on a robe.

  12. no its not nomal ur wife is right  

  13. Firstly, despite the issue at hand, if there's someting causing an problem in your marriage you need to sort it.  Regardless of whether you agree with your Moms behavior.  If it bothers your wife stop it.  

    Anyway why would she be jealous? 40s or 20s? In my opinion it's wrong.  And your wife probably feels a bit invaded upon.  Your Mom comes to live with you and now she's calling you into the bathroom for naked time alone.  

    You need to think about her side and tell your Mom before she breaks up your marriage.  You need your own space.  She can't stay with you forever.

  14. No she's not jealous. This is just sick. I would feel weird and it be gross if I was naked brushing my teeth and my dad walks in. I'd be freaking out and of course I wouldn't go in the bathroom if my dad was taking a shower and wanted to talk with me. This is not normal. You definitly need help or something is wrong with you and your mother. Either you start changing something, your mom goes to live with someone else or your wife should just find herself someone else who is normal and is not thinking that she is wrong or jealous. NO IT'S NOT NORMAL!!!!!!

  15. i find it really funny

  16. I would say something is not quite right with this picture. You should respect your wife enough to let your Mom know how much this bothers her and stop doing it. You shouldn't be walking around naked if it makes other uncomfortable. If you really love your wife you should respect her wishes and stop this now.  

  17. You and your wife need your space period. As soon as possible I would get her into her own place. Not saying kick her out, but nothing good can come of her being there.

  18. It's not normal to invite your married son in to see you naked, you should refuse to be a part of this.

  19. No, it's not normal...

    Just tell Mom you'll talk to her after she gets dressed.

  20. No,your mom's behavior is not normal...if she wants to have a conversation she can wait until she's finished or speak to you before entering the bathroom...and above all she could wait until she's dressed!!!

    Speak to her,let her know your wife feels uncomfortable (and I guess deep down you do feel uncomfortable,too) and see if things change...

    Otherwise you're risking to get into serious problems with your wife!

  21. That is nasty. I wouldn't put up with that ****

  22. I think a lock on the bathroom door is needed. If you cannot see anything wrong in this behaviour there is something wrong somewhere.

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