
Me and my wife went for lunch at a place in James Street, we both got food poisining. What do I do?

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Me and my wife went for lunch at a place in James Street, we both got food poisining. What do I do?




  1. inform the environmental health dept and they will visit to are also entitled to compensation for loss of earnings etc if they are found to be trading beneath expected standards as set by the h&s commission!

  2. You should really wash your hands after you use the bathroom.

  3. report them to the local council environmental health department!

  4. I normally throw up when I get food poisoning. You could try that. Another good one is to sit on the loo and empty the entire contents of your bowels into the pan in one violent burst of liquid.

    Well, that's what I seem to do, anyway.

    Hope that helps.

  5. You are left with two choices to see to,up or down.

  6. call them first ask for money back if they don't give it back tell them your calling health department

  7. don't ever eat there again, and be sure to tell management

  8. Call the place and tell thim about it or something..and get some medicine from the doctor.

  9. can you proove it was there how do you know you havent got poor hygeine you might of forgot to wash ya hands

  10. first call the restaurant.  then go tot he doctor. drink lots of watet keep hydated.

  11. There is a huge difference between food poisoning and an upset stomach. The only way to know if it is food poisoning is to go to a doctor instantly and get tested. Lots of bacteria kick in much later and it might have come from another meal you had beforehand. If confimed environmental health and the hotel should be informed.

  12. Don't eat there again and learn to spell poisoning!

  13. If you are sure that's how you got it, report the matter to the council.

    They will inspect and if the place isn't up to standard you can have a go at the restaurant and it won't just be your word against theirs.

  14. GET WELL...

  15. Report it or stomach it the choice is yours.

  16. Write them a strong complaint letter, explaing what you ate, the after effects and ask how (not IF) they will compensate you.

    Suggest that as an establishment with such an esteemed postcode, they should be far more careful with their preparation of food and that your James St friends will be ill advised to visit in future.

    Perhaps put at the bottom of the page put

    CC. Michael Winner

           and your solicitors ....worth a try!

  17. What bad luck.

    Samples to the doctor will confirm type of bacterial poisoning and what food caused it.

    Speak to Westminster Council - Environmental Health Officer and explain what's happened, show doctor and lab report. They will investigate whether it was a one-off or the restaurant needs to review its practices or close.

  18. suntory ?

  19. First of all, you need to call the restaurant and ask to speak to the manager. Make an apt to see a doc and see if it's food poisining. It could be something you ate prior to the food at the restaurant too. After seeing a doc they should tell you why you got sick.  And doc does say it may be food from restaurant. You may call the restaraunt with prove.You may also want to call the health department and let them know about this.

    Don't call restaurant w/o evidence and ask for money back right away. You got to undsterstand that restauarant gets phone calls like this all the time. They will think you are trying to eat for free. If you really got food poision from the restaurant they will give you money back and pay for your medical bill as well...This may take a while b/c they have to go through their insurance.

  20. Take the doctors bill to them, and rapport the incident to the health department.

  21. If You're sure You couldn't have been contaminated somewhere else,tell Your council's health inspector!

    Food service businesses work in co-operation with the health department-They need to know if something went wrong so it can be fixed.If others have reported a problem,that'll back Your case up and make them give it priority.

  22. Definitely call the place right away. they need to know they are serving tainted food. You don't want anyone else to get sick. Make a doctor appt.

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