
Me falling asleep on plane? SO SCARED

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so im going on a 7 hour flight tomorrow, and am so afraid of flying on airplanes. what would you say the odds are of me falling asleep on the plane if i get two and a half hours of sleep and take 3-4 seroquel sleeping pill (if anyone knows what that is) im so scared! any advice on how to stay calm or posstive things ot think




  1. I have a couple drinks before I get on and usually that helps me go to sleep.

  2. don't take a sleeping pill. you need at least 8 hours of sleep for a sleeping pill. if you are that scared talk to your doctor about an anti anxiety medication - it will suffice much better than a sleeping pill will.

  3. I recommend taking a nap at least while on the plane. Make sure your valuables are secure at your feet and you'll be able to get a few hours of sleep. Sometimes the head-rests move to hold your head while you sleep, which is nice. I don't think you'll need the sleeping pill. That could leave you too groggy and make you unable to react in case something were to go wrong (God forbid). Flying is as easy as being a passenger in a car. If you think about the trip like that, then you'll be fine. Before you know it you'll be there. :) Best wishes!

  4. When I get to my seat I always count how many seats forward or back to get to the closest exit.    Then I always say a prayer while we're waiting to take off.  I feel odd if I don't say it now.  I'll also pray if we hit turbulence.  I also keep in mind that the pilot wants to get where we're going safely too.  Try not to worry too much about it.  Think about the exciting things you'll be doing once you land.  Look forward and don't think about the what if's.  Be careful about taking the sleeping pills too early in case your flight is delayed taking off.  You don't want to miss boarding because you missed the last call for your flight.      

  5. There's nothing to be afraid of.  I would suggest against taking sleeping pills because that will make you feel even more out of control and isn't that what makes you afraid of flying anyway?  Knock back a few drinks before you get on the plane.  By the time the booze works itself out of your system, you'll realize that you're already in the air and you'll feel fine!

  6. I get scared on flights too. My last flight was very scary. Now im flying from Oregon to Florida in Nov. yikes! I am going to be traveling with my i know that i will feel a little safer...but i am thinking about drinking or taking nyquil before the ease my nerves...if you are taking a short flight..then falling asleep is the best bet...

  7. Assuming you are riding to the airport in a vehicle, you are in far more danger on your way there than on the flight!

  8. Don't take the Serequel before your flight! Just try to stay calm bring a book on board or meditate before you board your flight. Taking the Serequel before hand could make you panic. I know that when I use to take Serequel my heart would beat faster and I would have trouble breathing.

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